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Everything posted by DeMaster76

  1. To be honest, I haven't given much thought to which construction stage I wanted to use for the Sphinx. A silly question: which ship in this class has the most information available? I also haven't decided on the exact choice of ship yet. I've already been able to admire Alexander and Dennis' Sphinx in live action and was wondering whether I should perhaps build a different ship of the same class. A third Sphinx is somehow a little bit boring. I'm currently thinking about the best way to strengthen my frames. I would like to attach an auxiliary marking to each frame so that I know the exact course as precisely as possible beforehand. To do this, I will try to transfer the frame crack into 3D and then obtain this contour. However, as I have never done this before, I first have to familiarize myself with the methodology.
  2. I'm following your build report of the HMS Perseus with interest, as I'm currently building a Sphinx class ship myself. I have also created a build report in a German-speaking forum. Here is the link: https://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/t9551f457-HMS-Sphynx-POB.html Maybe we can discuss one or the other detail. greetings from germany
  3. Hello I am a big fan of your attention to detail and the technical complexity of your model. I am eagerly awaiting the release of your kit. Best regards from Germany 🇩🇪 Gerd
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