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Everything posted by rekon54

  1. Hi! Soon new photos of Fleuron, still a bit of patience. I had some health problems, now it's ok, and I started working on the model See you soon Giorgio
  2. ...... img]http://www.modellismodarsenale.com/fleuron/images4/fleuron3941.jpg[/img] rekon54
  3. hi, new photos of the Fleuron. rekon54
  4. hi Karl beautiful work, all my congratulations Giorgio
  5. hi advances work on the Fleuron following photo rekon54
  6. Hi Nigel use of shellac and wax rekon54
  7. ...... an affectionate greeting to all rekon54
  8. Thanks to everyone for the compliments more photos of Fleuron follow other photos
  9. hi It was the top scorer of the local and the steward erano i locali del capo cannoniere e del cambusiere Rekon54
  10. hi This I did not know but I can always change rekon54
  11. Hi small advances of the ship fleuron follow more photos......
  12. thanks you all for the compliments Giorgio
  13. hi Micheal served to protect the wood by the impact of the guns were opened when the gunboats Giorgio
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