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Everything posted by Guenter

  1. Hi Dominic,🫡 The colour scheme of the HMS Victory is an interesting point of discussion. She has changed colour several times and now she has got her real colour. I can understand that the colour is not to the taste of the general public, as we know HMS Victory as she is anchored in Portsmouth, in yellow/black. Personally, I think she looks best that way. However, if you want to build a historically accurate model from 1805, you will probably have no choice but to paint her as she is historically specified. I will probably also paint her in her original colour. Here is the link to the explanation of the colour scheme: https://historicdockyard-co-uk.translate.goog/news-and-stories/hms-victory-to-be-re-painted-in-battle-of-trafalgar-colours-after-210-years/?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=sge#:~:text=For the first time%2C visitors,Lord Nelson was fatally wounded. By the way, the stern lettering of the HMS Victory is also wrong. The font is not correct. Best regards Guenter Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  2. Hello gentlemen, I have been following the report on the AL-HMS Victory. It is the most complex model that AL has produced so far and I am very enthusiastic about it. The videos alone are already at number 68 and there must be 80 videos in total. I've always waited for a modelling manufacturer to produce a model like this. It is currently the best model on the market in terms of quality and beauty. It is simply incredible and beautiful. Great work by AL. I have ordered the HMS Victory and will post a build report when I am finished with the Black Swan from OcCre. I will make some changes to the Black Swan. It's my first wooden model. Let's see how I manage it. Thank you very much for having me on the forum. Please excuse my bad English. I hope you can understand me as I use a translator from German to English. Best regards Guenter
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