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Daniel KF

NRG Member
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About Daniel KF

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    Wooden boats, sail boats, ocean liners, fishing boats.

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299 profile views
  1. Thank you, Tomasz, for the nice welcome!
  2. Thank you, Mark for the nice welcome!
  3. Thank you, John for the "Down Under" welcome!
  4. Thank you so much, Chris for the warm welcome!
  5. Thank you, Patrick, for the nice welcome!
  6. Thank you, Bob, for the nice welcome!
  7. Thank you, Keith, for the warm welcome!
  8. Thank you for the welcome!
  9. Thank you so much for the welcome, Micha!
  10. Vielen Dank für die Begrüßung.
  11. Thank you so much for the nice welcome and for those great links! I really appreciate it!
  12. Thank you for allowing me to join! I come from a family of fishermen and tugboat captains in eastern NC. I grew up on boats in coastal NC, but have lived in NYC for most of my life, I miss the water and look forward to trying my hand at modeling, especially boats built by my grandfather. I'm starting off with the Model Shipways Dory/Pram/Smack and hope to eventually be able to scratch build models of boats my grandfather built as well as the tugboat Patriot (now Java Sea) that my dad was captain of.
  13. Thank you for allowing me to join! I come from a family of fishermen and tugboat captains in eastern NC. While I've lived in NYC for most of my life, I miss the water and look forward to trying my hand at modeling, especially boats that were built by my grandfather. 

    Hawkeye 23.jpeg

    1. Paul Le Wol

      Paul Le Wol

      Hi Daniel, welcome to MSW. It would be great to see you model a boat like your grandfather made. She certainly is a beautiful boat.

       I’m not sure how you do one of these status posts but I think it would be better for you to go to the new members forum and introduce yourself. That way when someone replies to your post it will get bumped to the top of the page.

    2. Daniel KF

      Daniel KF

      Thank you, Paul for your kind words about my grandfather's boat. I'm new to the site so just figuring out how to do posts. I was starting to wonder about my post not going through. Thank you for helping me to go over to the new members posts. I will try that! 

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