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Everything posted by Ammrok

  1. Right away errors happened! While planking the deck I cut out more than I should. I cut ALL of the cut outs where the deck meets the frame so that the frame was visible... luckily not on all five decks but on the middle and upper stern deck. I've read that heat loosens the planking so I used a soldering iron to do so and replaced the wrong planks. It took a whole afternoon as not only the planking was loosen but also the upper layer of the underlying plywood in these places! 😱 So I had to do two layers of planking to get them leveled again... Lessons learned I would say, that's for sure! Unfortunately I noticed that there is still an error on the front deck AFTER I glued the decks! 🤪 Ok, I will think of how to fix this one later. Next steps will be adding the vertical deck planks (already prepared), varnishing the deck and adding the upper side parts of the hull. Cheers, Michael
  2. Yes, and it offers additional steps not mentioned in the instructions. Thanks for giving hint on these Mark!
  3. It seems to apply to many things in life... doesn't it? 😉
  4. Being my first build, when things go easy there is that slight feel like catastrophy is just a breath away... 🙂
  5. Strangely the mast didn't come to my mind when thinking about where to place the piece.
  6. Thanks a lot Mark, especially for the hint on rigging! I always thought that the best is yet to come... 😉
  7. Just noticed that my new thread is located in the wrong section (new member introductions). Any idea where and how to move it to the right place?
  8. Hi, no kit content (as it think it might be already well known) but a first image of the first steps. I was able to finish the frame on the weekend and also started the deck planking, finishing one out of four pieces. There might be a mistake (marked in red) in the frame build, the instructions are quite obscure on this specific place. The piece marked maybe needs to be shifted to the left!? Maybe anyone has experience with it. All help is welcome! 😊 Cheers, Michael
  9. Just kidding, of course! 😆 I ordered the toolbox along with the Buccaneer as I think it makes sense. I finished it yesterday afternoon. Even that was fun, so I'm looking forward to the ship kit with high expectations! Images of the kit and the build will follow in a different thread. Cheers, Michael
  10. Thanks to all of you for your kind responses I was able to build the kit on a Sunday afternoon! See image for the result! 😁
  11. A big "Hello!" from Germany and "Thank you" for letting me join MSW! Being a complete newbie in all things ship building (having quite some experience with plastic model kits though) I'll start my journey with the Occre Buccaneer which came in today from Spain. First pics of the kit will follow soon! Cheers, Michael
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