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Allen Nause

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  1. Bob I too , questioned Franklin ‘s research as to the authenticity of his painting of the Gale. Cameras were not invented until 1816 so no pictures are available. As a former intelligence officer I took it upon myself to research the Gale sailing ship before I commissioned a painting of the arrival of the Sally and the Gale in Halifax harbour on September 6, 1752. Dr Winthrop Pickard Bell is the leading authority on early Nova Scotian German immigrants. His research identified the Gale as a snaw (snow snauw) rigging. It is a square rigged vessel with two masts, complemented by a snow or try sail mast stepped immediately behind the main mast. Dr Bell footnoted the Harbour masters report identifying the Gale as a snow rigged vessel. I fact checked Dr Bell footnote with the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. The curator concurred the Harbour Master in his report on Sept 6 1752 made a point of identifying the Gale as a snow rigging. The curator stated there is no reason to believe otherwise. So if you want a replica of the Gale look for a snow rigging sailing ship from that period. If you would like to see the commissioned painting contact me on Facebook. Allen Nause.
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