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Status Updates posted by NenadM

  1. Hi, Pavel

    Im my SC buildlog I spend a lot of time considering deck planking, how, with which wood, teshnique, colour etc etc. If you are interested, fell free to look at my log and find in index correspodending part of log

    Different question is - did I succeed in my attempts

    All the best


    1. RPaul


      Thanks Nenad, I'll definitely take a look.


      Kind regards, 


  2. How to extend a day ?

    1. NenadM


      Returning in "normal" life after almost two years of different kind of difficulties, finding again that day is too short for everything you plan or intend or have to do. Weeks pass very very quickly, you are in Friday again just after Monday. Year passed away, and another, and another one, and suddenly you are 57 years old, kids become mature over night

  3. Finding myself I have lost somewhere in space and time

  4. Somebody are masters of "do", others are masters of "re-do"

  5. Art of mistakes, and art of errors

    1. Bruno Siljeg

      Bruno Siljeg

      Yes it is correct..

  6. On a Hmmm road, again

  7. does not make sense to introduce with picture 10 years ago

  8. does not make sense to introduce a picture from 10 years ago

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