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Everything posted by JimO

  1. Bow View rough draft showing front facing bow ports. Photo bomb by Drake playing Jack of Titanic.
  2. Started my Golden Hind project by first de-rigging and de-masting my 1/72 scale GH ( will replace later) so as to take meassurements and resize for the scratch build GH. First I will work out what I want to do and make a new schematic drawing in 1/72 then in 1/35 scale. Shown is rough draft side profile drawing without the stern gallery. May add gallery but right now these pictures show a six gun (12) broadside and a possible seven gun with additional bow gun (also stern gun as was normal). I may add some small guns on main deck but will have swing guns on there and other decks.
  3. Thanks Dave, Baker’s build looks nice and would be interesting to do. As to Snug’s comments about the Captain’s walk or rear gallery, I sorta lean to not having one but my other side leans for one as well. The question would be that Baker’s version has an “easement hole” that the captain/officers would use as opposed to the forward head used by the remaining crew. With no rear toilet would the captain need to have a “chamber pot” to ease himself and then have the cabin boy empty as needed, or would he and the officers use the front head and expose themself showing what it really takes to be “captain”? Points to ponder and go hmmmm. In addition he (Baker) also had some additional guns.
  4. Here are two pictures I found showing Drake next to small deck guns, one I believe is called a “swivel gun”?
  5. Thanks for your info post. Sorry for not knowing what a “Captain’s walk” is a not sure if you mean the uppermost rear deck or the rear walkway that wraps around the back or stern of the ship as in my airfix model. I thought the poop deck is the top most rear deck. Reason is you show both missing in your example and I have seen other pictures depicted as the GH missing them but also pictures showing both on the ship or the walk way missing but still with the “poop deck”. So confusing. And frustrating with not knowing the nautical terminology. See examples. Sorry if any are doubles
  6. Before I start and outsource for material and supplies I have some question to those out there in the know about the Golden Hind and how to build as close to the historical accuracy. of the ship. The Airfix 1/72 scale model that I built years ago and will use to scale a 1/35 scale version differs from other builds here and also other pictures and those full size reproductions. The questions based on mine are as follows: 1. The upper side planking on the Airfix and some others show a flat application while others show a lap sytle clapboard construction. ? 2. The Airfix shows the forward mast located forward of the front forecastle while others have it located near the front end but atop the forecastle. Which is it historically correct? 3. What is the number of cannon and number of gun ports along lower gun deck? Airfix has 6. 4. Ladders and their corresponding gaps in relation to access to each deck. ?. None on the Airfix model. 5. Number/style and location for doors to each deck. Number of variations depicted on builds. 6. Style of railings on upper decks. Open or closed? Airfix shows open with 4 deck guns sticking out. (side note: how would long guns like those on Airfix model fire and be reloaded with such a narrow gap between the gun trucks and the middle hatch gratings?) 7. Window locations along ship sides and lack of on Airfix except 4 just below poop deck railing.. ? 8. A type of post (spar?) extending out the stern of the ship by the motif figure. Missing from Airfix model and some builds but show in some images of the GH. 9. Some type of vertical side beams along upper portion of hull missing in some builds like the Airfix one but shown in others? 10. Location of some "deck furniture?" and lashing points. ? Thanks and looking foreword to any and all replies. may have more as things come up. Attached are pictures on my GN and the variations of others plus Full size reproductions in real life.
  7. Still waiting for delayed delivery of my SR but while waiting and biting at the bit to do something of a build I have been observing other builders doing plastic and wood Golden Hinds. I did an Airtfix 1/72 scale plastic model a number of years ago and the rigging sorta sucked with the info/instructions on hand. Subsequently I thought why not double the size to about 1/35 scale and build it with wood. Now having seen other builds that I have followed with great interest, and now having two books on rigging, I have a better grip on a build, as ambitious as it is for a first timer. Having some artist abilities as well as drafting skills, I have done military model and dioramas since a kid, some for my military museum I established back in 1996 and are willing to give a sailing ship scratch build a try. Being a foot soldier (okay an armoured recce soldier) for 37 years, I am not familiar to the nautical terminology more so sailing era, other than knowing from a few holiday ship cruises as to what is Port, (not the drink though I know that well from some rather interesting mess dinners) Starboard, Bow and Stern. The books I acquired are helping in that regard, but please excuse me if I use the well known phrase "the what-you- may-call-it" or that "thing-a-ma-jig". I have the time, room, some tools, music and liquid nourishment to help with the build and plan on making my own jigs, rope walk, and serving machine ( thanks Youtube ). My art studio/hobby room/ new shipyard. A room the wife avoids except to get something out of the deepfreeze.
  8. Still waiting for Canada Post strike to end and get delivery of my Soleil Royal. Add the strike and xmas backlog of mail it may take awhile. Meanwhile I will start work on the crew. First up Admiral Tourville or as he was called Anne-Hilarion de Costentin, Comte de Tourville. This is in 1/100 scale.
  9. Ordered the kit late October and was late in delivery. Now still waiting but now delayed by the Canadian Post strike. Meanwhile to kill some time I am looking to make some 1/100 ststscale crew members. First I thought of doing some 6 inch figures in soft modeling clay and twist some in different positions after scanning them. Then after transfering images to a 3D printer, print them out in 1/100 scale. But now switched thought to modeling them in scale using air dry clay I got at a craft store. DAG Modeling clay. Air-dry hardening. I have made 16 (.4 mm) wire figures and will start adding clay. I test tried one in soft clay and I feel able to do some good figures. Knock on wood. I will make 50 plus figures ranging from the head cheese, other officers, gunners both at rest, and on the guns. Powder monkeys, plus Crew members doing chores and up in the rigging with maybe a couple using the “head”. I think I have found some pictures of French Troupes de marine to do a few ship complement. Who knows maybe do a few walking the plank or a good old fashion keel hauling. I have a 25 mm figure from my old Golden Hind model but the new model of the Soleil Royal figures will need to be smaller for scale. 18 mm for 6 ft tall figures and about 15+ mm for 5’8” figures.
  10. I have thought of sculpting some figures in soft clay and then scan them to print on a 3D printer. I started one figure of a french sailor pulling on rigging and after photo scanning can then bend it into different poses. I will then do others as gun crew, officers and powder monkeys. Just need to get a 3D printer and program to set scale.
  11. How do I insert pictues by the way?

  12. Hello from the Great White North (yes we just got our first big snow of the season) of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. I had hoped to have received my second sail ship (first was the Golden Hind) but first real challenging build by now, but it is late in delivery and now longer due to a new postal strike. Grrrr. The ship ordered is one I have wanted for a number of years now is the Heller 1/100 scale le soleil royal. I wanted to do a wood build but I decided to start small and do a plastic model with some modifications. Being retired now for 11 years I have the time and a room to do it in without the wife always saying “clean up your mess”. I plan on making it similar to John Otts version but with a slight difference. I ordered a pair of books on rigging from amazon which should be here tomorrow but meanwhile I am going to work on something else to pass the time. I want to man/crew the ship but have looked all over the internet etc for figures, figures not just to match up with a sailing ship but a ship of the SRs time period without too much modification and to scale….but alas no such luck. I am a bit of an artist and did some sculptures years ago in art college, so I am thinking, why not sculpt some figures from pictures, scan them, and then print them off on a 3D printer. I will make several figures ranging from Admiral Tourville, a few officers, powder monkeys, and different gun crews both in action and at rest. Included will be crew members on deck and up in the rigging….or on the “head?”. Here is a question for those in the know….. did the french ships in 17th century have a company of “french marines” for things like defensive action and boardings? Since I will be using soft modeling clay I will be able to twist most of the figures into different poses between scans. Saves on making 50 different figures, and not most in the same pose.
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