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  1. Instead of waiting for an access time to a laser cutter I went ahead and looked at my scroll saw again to cut the new pieces. When I tried earlier the blade was all over the place and could not make a precise cut. It dawned on me that the blade I was using was too light for the job. Replaced the blade with a thicker one and sure enough I was able to cut the keel out with minimal trimming and sanding. Next I will cut out a new deck, first with heavy card stock to insure the holes for the masts will set properly in the false keel. I'll let you know in a day or two how it works. Sometimes I don't trust my own skill enough to take that first leap. Now that I've done that it's full speed ahead.
  2. I forgot about the scale difference between plans and instructions. Right now I'm using the 1:50 scale from the instructions to reconstruct the keel. I overlayed an outline of the 1:50 keel to the 1:64 plan and see the difference. So I'll stick with the instruction plan.
  3. I've done that and for the most part the pieces are a tad bigger than the plans. Also I've notice that for the bulkheads the cutout profile are a bit outside the printed lines.
  4. Earlier this year I bought a Corel Revenue Cutter Ranger. The hobby shop gave me a deep discount because the keel was badly warped. I said to mysel - no sweat I'll make a new one. For some unknown reason known only to my subconcisous I put the keel (along with the false deck) somewhere in the black hole of my garage. I think I placed them somewhere flat so they can straighten out. I don't have much hope in finding them anytime soon, perhaps when I'm gone and buried someone will run across them and think "What is that?". So my questions are: A. Kind I get replacements from Corel, if so how? B. Are the plans generally accurate to scale? I have access to a Laser cutter in which case I can have spot-on to the plan keel/deck/bulkheads. Pieces will be made from solid basswood instead of ply.
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