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  1. dvm27's post in Skylight Measurement for HMS Pegasus 1776. was marked as the answer   
    David Antscherl, in The Fully Framed Model, Volume 11, discusses this issue and concludes that either a grating or clerestory-style companionway would be appropriate for a 1779 vessel of 300 tons. On my Pegasus model I opted for the more visually interesting clerestory-style companion.

  2. dvm27's post in Is it worth it to make your own deadeyes was marked as the answer   
    I made my own and they were fun to make. I suppose you could make them without a lathe but it would be a lot more work. But, if using a lathe, the order of operations is critical. As well you'll need a mill with a rotary table or drill press with a holding jig for the deadeye holes. Or, you could use CNC if you have the equipment https://modelshipworld.com/topic/19253-le-gros-ventre-by-marsalv-148-pof/page/15/#comments.
    If you have none of the above and need only a few then I would buy them from Syren as theirs are the best commercially available and pennies apiece. Otherwise the investment in equipment would be hundreds of dollars!
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