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Hi all; I am a Canadian born and presently retired financial analyst living out my retirement years in my newly adopted country of choice; Australia. Yeah I am an immigrant just like those foreigners from Melbourne and I fell off the proverbial boat about 14 years ago after passing that great 4’ statue of “the bronze kangaroo” while coming into Freemantle harbor. Presently I am living in Perth which is one of the world’s great hotspots for money making but my eye is wandering and thoughts of moving to the Gold Coast on the other shore only a few miles away (by Perth standards) are growing daily. Remember when you live in the most isolated city in the world, being Perth then places like Bali , Singapore etc. are closer than the next big city of Adelaide; really. Talk about the outback! Getting down to the business at hand; like most youngsters I went through the model stage with cars, planes and what have you but when it came to ship models their anchors seem to have hooked my heart. Being brought up in an old fashion wood ship building shipyard in NS Canada it was only natural that my first major ship model in my early teens was, of course, the Bluenose. My dear father who possessed over a hundred real half scale models of ships actually built from them was so proud he gave my Bluenose center place on the fireplace mantel. Truth be told it was a piece of crap. A few other plastic ships later and then along came that Cutty Sark by Revell (I think that is how “Revell” is spelled). What a ship! What a disaster! That was a bit of an overshot for my abilities and if anything that retarded the construction greatly but after years of persistence and perseverance I finally got it completed. I still have it and even though I have been offered to sell it I prefer to keep it around to remind me of all the mistakes I made, not the least overstepping my abilities, so I could constantly be reminded and become better in the future. It’s a piece of crap also but it does not look that bad (on first glance, at least) lol. As they say 'in order to be able to write a good book you must first have to write a bunch of crap'. Business then caught up to me and that lasted for more than twenty-five years. All the while I was buying tools etc. for the great wooden scratch build I was planning when I retired. Most of those tools I probably will never use and given my financial background I kept a ledger of every penny spent and I am sorry to say I am now at round $23K spent and I am desperately in need of a Sherline mill and a better table saw not to mention …… you know the rest! Well the big retirement finally came but to say I was burned out would have been an understatement and I paid for it dearly with about five years of medical blowouts and recoveries. But throughout it all I spent my time thinking and researching modeling. I never realize what a wonderful life I had being brought up in an old fashion wooden shipyard until someone recently asked me to write a book about it as there are not too many of us left that can remember those days. Every day after school and every weekend I was in the shipyard playing and had full run of the place. Please don’t ask why. I got to meet and become friends with the old time shipwrights, naval architects, blacksmiths,chaulkers and the list goes on and they continually taught me without me even realizing it. I remember spending hours standing there motionless and silent watching some old guy (probably 35) doing his trade, studying their ways, their odd tools and not saying a word as it was all going in. Not a small feat for a kid of 10 plus years old. Given the shipyard was in Lunenburg County Nova Scotia it is plain to see that during my time shipbuilding was mostly relegated to fishing ships. I seen over a hundred real ships built from scratch. The sailing ships of the past ended just before my time but I clearly remember seeing old pictures of schooners and clippers built in that shipyard on the office walls but unfortunately built before my time. The shipyard made just about everything for the ships except bolts and nails and engines. Everything else was pretty well made in the various buildings and parts of the shipyard even down to the mutton bars for the ship “windows”. Yes, I know they have another name in ship terminology but I always liked to keep it simple and follow the adage that if one cannot speak in a manner understandable to all present then he probably doesn’t know what the hell he is talking about. Of course when you are in the presence of similar minded people then a higher terminology than the man on the street may perhaps understand is rightfully in order and in that case being in the presence of model shipwrights in MSW then they are called “lights”. Portholes, the shipyard did not make and to this day I never can figure out why we have portholes but not starboardholes. Goes to show what I learnt and know. I still remember and miss the great wall full of wooden shaper planes of just about every kind back in the days before routers , shapers and mills. The shipyard even had its own saw mill and I remember they had one express man whose sole job was to go out in the woods and just find knees. Yes they still used wooden knees in my day. It was all very mesmerizing, interesting, enlightening and memorable, to say the least, for a young man growing up. Anyway , as they use to say in Lunenburg County back then; “Nuff said for today on that”. Now that my health is back on even keel and I am finally getting real retirement time I hope to begin actually making sawdust shortly in the new year of 2020. First the paperwork. I want to try my hand at a true miniature model beginning at a scale of at least 1:200 and see how those sizes work for me. I propose to start off with a skipjack and slowly go up from there. I propose to make a build log at the time but will probably post it retroactive, at least, for the first one. One could say 'I'm the shy type'! I am the type that either talks too much or not at all. Presently in MSW I am not talking much as there is really nothing for me to say or contribute to in light of so many experts on site. Most of my reading on MSW relates to finished models so there is no talking on those sites even if I had something to contribute or to compliment. In any event I will continue to prod along and hope to slowly get to know most of you over time. All the best. I remain, JP