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  1. Craigie65's post in What does this line represent? was marked as the answer   
    Don’t know if this helps, but in the AOTS for Diana this is labelled as the sheer line 

  2. Craigie65's post in Help Rigging Main Boom and Gaff for Nisha (Vanguard Models) was marked as the answer   
    sorry when you said you were having problems with tying knots I assumed you meant the block. 
    Do you mean how the line runs?
    The rigging in the bottom left starts with the line being seized to the becket (you can just about see the small loop in the plan) at the bottom of the block tied to the boom. It is then led down and through the lower block, back up the and through the top block, back down to the bottom block and then through the top block. The line is led to belaying point 2 which is the rail at the back of the ship. The first plan you posted shows the belaying point. You will find it helpful to dip the running end of the rigging thread in CA to create a needle - it make it easier to pass through the blocks. Also watch for the blocks twisting - the ropes should be parallel. If they twist it usually means you have threaded the line through the block back to front!
    The one attached to the mast runs from the bottom eyelet, then follow the arrows down through the first block on the boom and back up to the lower block on the mast and so on until you lead the end to belaying point 4, at the foot of the mast.
     Does that help?
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