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Everything posted by diajud

  1. Hi Steve, I see your in Seattle, I guess that leaves you out for walking on the replica of Philadelphia at Lake Champlain. I have also built Model Shipway's Philadelphia and enjoyed it.------Recently another gunboat (Spitfire) has been found and intact I think there's a CD for sale of the find at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vermont. A great day trip if your close by. Let me know if you would like some pictures of the replica. ----I stained my model when I was finishing it and was unhappy with the blochey appearance the basswood ended up as. My fault for not putting a sealer on the wood first. I was in a hurry. I'm ok with it now as the real boat was never painted anyway and probably blochy also. Also the cleats that come in the kit are from a Chris craft kit and will not look very good, Find some wood ones like the real boat had. I also used Syren's Co.'s rigging rope and was very pleased. Feel free to contact me if needed.----Lacy
  2. Hi Steve, I sumwhat have finished my Model Shipway's Philadelphia a couple of months ago. Lots of fun to build, Its also a good build to get into rigging as its pretty simple. I didn't like the cleats in the kit (way to modern) so I replaced them with home made wood cleats as were on the real boat. All I have to do now is find a 3 inch high figure to add a bit of scale, and of course a display case.-----------------good luck on your build
  3. Hi Mike----Quick question, I have started using scotch brand,double sided clear tape to stick the frame pieces (paper) to the wood frames. It comes in permanent and removable type tape. The removable comes off too easily (as your sanding the pieces), and the permanent is hard to remove from the frames when finished. My question is what did you use?-----------------------------Lacy
  4. Thanks for all the pictures Mike. I'm working on the keel assembly, and its coming along fine so far. I will enter this project of building the Washington soon as I figure out this forum a little better. I have a question on the 20 guage brass rods your assembling the frames with. I assume your simulating bolts or iron nails but not treenails. Are you inserting the rods into a drilled hole, with instant glue? or just a tight fit? I'll finish this ship with Danish oil I think. Bye for now--------Lacy
  5. Hi----Just getting started in building the Washington. haven't decided on what wood to use, maybe maple? Swiss pear and boxwood seems quite expensive. This is my 1st framed model, however I've built several pob models. I've sent for and received the Washington plans and downloaded the instructions, and built the mounting board. Mikes pictures of his Washington build is really helpful so far. Has anyone used Maple to build? (hard or soft maple) does it like danish oil as a finish? so many questions-----------------Lacy
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