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About Fritsl

  • Birthday 02/18/1954

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  • Location
    South Africa
  • Interests
    Moddel building and woodwork (amateur )

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  1. Hi Adeline Thanks for your replies. I am once again working through your presentation to make sure i forgot nothing. 1. No i am building a seperate boat for each child, otherwise it will become to boring for me 2. The blocks and Eyes. I had a look at a boat visiting Cape Town and noticed the eyes where actualy fitted in the block. So lazy me i drill a 4mm hole in the block, cut a 6 mm latine eye hook to size and push it in the whole. It looks tidy and is strong enough to feed the rigging through. I ran short of these eyes by managed to buy on e-bay
  2. Hi Adeline (I assume Adeline is your name, if not please forgive me) I have posted some more photos of my Le Camaret. Most of the progress is thanks to looking 100times at each of your pictures A lady friend has kindly agreed to stiching the sails for me. I soked the material in a local tean brew (rooibos tea) which has a strong red coloring I have 3 grand sons. I decided to build each one. Perhaps one day when everything is electronic they can boast and say i made it The boats name on the front will be SHANE engraved on two copper plates. Once again for all your help Frits
  3. Hi Roman Congretulations on a stunning model. I am currently building the Le Carmaret, but will follow you on this model when i am finished. Wel Done !
  4. Hi Padeen I opened a topic today so you may see some of my progress. Keep well
  5. Hi Padeen Trust you are doing well. My boat is coming on nicely, but am now stuck rigging up the rudder stick. I cannot see from your pictures how you did it. Could you be so kind to draw me a sketch. Many thanks
  6. Hi Padeen I am very impressed with what you achieved with your first model. I just purchased the Le Camaret as my 3rd moddel. My first two had even more mistakes, but following your learnings this will go much better. . One observation I fix the keel after i fit the bulk heads. I than engrave a rabit just on top of the keel, so the planking kan slide in. I find you do not have to do so much sanding
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