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Fran S

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Everything posted by Fran S

  1. Hi -- I was trying to make a small carving gouge (I work on dollhouse miniatures) and read this thread with interest. After reading all the tutorials out there I could find, and talking to my turning friends, I spent some time experimenting on making gouges. In case anyone is interest, I ended up making a small gouge---about 0.3 mm wide, with a deep U shape (#11 sweep). I put together a tutorial on my blog. http://somesmall.wordpress.com/category/making-tools/ Thanks for the thread! Fran
  2. Hi -- what am I doing wrong? When I click on the link to the tutorial in Bob's post, i get a message that says "bad request." Thanks, Fran
  3. Hi I've been trying to make some micro gouges--less than 0.5 mm and have been partially successful using hypodermic needles. I was very excited to find this group--and I see that Bob had posted a tutorial. The link doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to fix the link? Thanks, Fran
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