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Everything posted by nickedw

  1. When I built the Carronades, I used a 1/17th scale model I built years ago for reference:- Here are my photos of the 'original', which I seem to remember is a fibreglass replica itself now? So a model of a model of a model then? Nick
  2. Hi everyone, a few small updates:- carronades built, all internal ladders and bannisters finished, access ladders on one side completed:- Thanks for looking. Nick
  3. Nothing a rectangle of black paint won't put right (: It's on the list. Nick
  4. Hi everyone, quite a bit of building, but not many photos, remiss of me I know, so here is my latest update:- Didn't think much of the white metal bell in the kit, so turned one from brass Going for the 'hand made glass' look by pulling a film of Glue'n'glaze over the inside of the PE frames, very pleased with the rippled result, not massively evident in these photos admittedly, but looks OK in the flesh! Thanks for looking. Nick
  5. David, yes of course, I can see it now, it just comes a little later in the plan. I was expecting the hole drilling for the port holes to be dealt with during the roundhouse construction. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Nick
  6. Hi all, been cracking on with this build over the last two days and have got the upper deck fitted as well as a lot of the planking done as you can see. Also got the roundhouses done. As far as I can tell these had lead roofs which I have simulated with lead foil:- Should these have port-holes also? I know she does in her current state, but these aren't referenced in the kit as far as I can tell? Thanks for looking Nick
  7. Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Cracking on with this build now, spent the day sitting outside in glorious Welsh sunshine (you don't get to say that very often so I thought I would make the most if it) 'putting the lid on' I'm sure there is correct nautical term for this, but you all know what I mean. So sat with a pair of chocolate Labradors guillotining 1/72 scale 20' foot planks and religiously colouring the edges in with a Sharpie marker, planking the decks. Added the ply formers for the top canon ports as well now, strange I've been looking at his kit for the last six years on the top shelf of the workshop rack, and adding this last deck has transformed the look of it - suddenly looks taller and shorter, very strange. Anyway, the al fresco model building smoothly morphed into a couple of bottles of wine and dinner with my dear wife in the garden, so too late for photos now. I'll post some the morning. Regards Nick
  8. Like most other folks on this forum, I'm building a Caldercraft Victory. This is my second foray into the world of ships, the first being a 1/200th Trumpy Arizona that I built by accident, seeing as somebody maliciously stuck the kit under my nose for fifty quid, so what can you do? Here's that one anyway:- SO the Victory, I bought as a 'long term project' in 2007, after, I'm ashamed to say, spending a morning in Portsmouth, recovering from a very drunken stag do and finding myself getting dragged around HMS Victory. Knowing nothing at all about ships, then or now, I was blown away by the thing, and decided to resurrect my model building career by buying this kit. The rest is history, it really did start me building models again - aircraft and after having made a start on her building the basic hull, second planking I ran out of steam after plating one side of the Hull. And got sucked back into aviation modelling again in a big way for the last six years. So she has followed me around after two house moves in that condition until about three weeks ago, where finding some long lost time on my hands, I decided to crack on. I've got the customary few old photos of the 'excitement' of getting the most expensive kit I ever bought started:- The early build is just like everyone else's, so I won't bore you with the same old shots. Here is where I'm up to today:- Thanks for looking and the warm welcome to the forum, I'm amazed how many other people are building this kit. Regards Nick
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