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Everything posted by DannyVM

  1. I second that Carl. It take some effort but afterwards the reward is so big.
  2. Thank's Carl.👍 I only did one, just to try iff i could do this without many problems. It turned out fairly nice, but indeed, the amount of work that you need to put into this little gem is enormous.
  3. Just finished work on the four 380 m/m guns of the Tirpitz. I also made one 20 m/m AA gun to place it on one of the 380 m/m gun turrets. You wouldn't believe it, but this 20 m/m AA gun exists of 25 PE part's which are folded and glued together. The basic ingredients for the four 380 m/m guns. Some turrets showed some scratches on their surface. Nothing serious, just a little bit filling and the job is done. Next, replace the plastic gun barrels with new brass ones. On top of one of the turrets comes a 20 m/m AA Gun. Two choices, plastic or .......pe..........which exist out of 25 pieces..... I decided to take the plunge, this is the result. For comparison, a toothpick and my finger, just to show how small these suckers are... And the whole bunch together. Regards Danny
  4. Yes i did noticed it to.They are very popular but their stock is often refilled so, a little bit patience i'm sure it will be back soon.
  5. I use this site for about 3 years now, and it's still runs like in the beginning, so at the moment no worries yet. That said, there's always a possibility that thing's go wrong on such site's, but for now, i'm happy with it.
  6. In fact it's a 1/32 airplane model stand from JHModels. I found out it was suitable for ship models to with a flat bottom. This is the link where i bought it from, they are situated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. https://www.aviationmegastore.com/fixing-stand-for-plastic-kits-jhm3201-jh-models-jhm3201-aircraft-scale-modelling-tools/product/?action=prodinfo&art=130079 About the color scheme : and when i look at my previous post i notice that i didn't copy the link which is the reference i use for my build. http://www.bismarck-class.dk/tirpitz/tirpitz_menu.html You're right when you say that every color scheme has a time frame to it, on this site you can easily see the color scheme's that are linked to a time frame. What i couldn't find, or overseen it, was the flottille where the Tirpitz was assigned to. The color scheme i use, was worn between February 1942 and March 1942. It's also interesting that from March on they seem to use tarp's over de main gun turrets and barrels. Thank's allot for the nice compliment.👍 I'm using a photo sharing host because i'm active in other forums also regarding my airplane builds. So it's easy to use it to over here, just because i am familiar to it. But maybe i should try it, it's alway's good to learn other way's to place photo's on a forum. Regards Danny
  7. Thank's Patrick for the nice link you gave me.😃 Yesterday and today i did some work on the Tirpitz. The hull was painted completely, and the deck received the wooden deck it deserved. So now onto the painting of the hull. Revell instructions gave two choices to paint the model, but something tells me that it is not very accurate, don't ask me why, but when i look at this link, i don't find any color variation like the ones depicted into the Revell instructions. So, to be honest, this is my first ship build, the camo pattern like shown above is just to complicated to paint it for a novice, so i decided to go a little easier. I did some research and i came up with this color scheme : It's a fairly simple color scheme, but still, i like it, so, this is the one i will use. I started with the primer coat, i use black. Some taping to do and next color is the bottom of the hul, the red-brown color. So i build up the colors, side of the hull, the dark and light grey colors. After that, i airbrushed a gloss clear coat onto the model and afterwards it was time to tackle the wooden deck, something is wasn't really thrilled about to do. To be honest, this is just easy work, the wooden deck was added withing about an half an hour and it was done. Regards Danny
  8. Hi Folk's, again it's a long time since i posted something about the Tirpitz progress. So time to give some updates about the progress. Hull of the Tirpitz was glued together, resulting in some unequal seams, so they need to get some putty. While drying, i tackled the 150 m/m gun towers. Without PE they look like this.... But this kit got a load of PE and brass barrels onboard, so let the fun begins. Ok folk's, so far the progress, for now i have a question? Revell give's the modeller a choice between two color scheme's. On both they depict two color scheme's with the use of blue, but i can find any info about the use of these sort of color scheme's. For this i used the following reference site : http://www.bismarck-class.dk/tirpitz/tirpitz_menu.html These are the Revell color profiles included in the kit : My question to the expert's ; are these color scheme's accurate?? Or is it just a rendition of what could be??? Regards Danny
  9. If it's okay for showing it over here, no problem for going for a second off topic. Mig kit's nose was to pointed So i decided to make a more accurate nose from a MIG 29 nose. Made a rubber mal, and poured some resin to get a new nose-cone. Dry-fit and after trimming the resin nose and glueing onto the fuselage. Regards Danny
  10. You hit the nail Greg, i'm afraid i will go crazy on this one, but for now i'm sticking to the pe in the box Well if i look at my airplane build's, there's never enough. I like to work with pe, but i always have in mind that there is a limit............nah......at the end, there isn't I think on a ship model pe has a much more important factor due to the tiny details, so i'm afraid that i always will find something that will have a better look with the using of pe. All my 1/32 airplane kit's have their own pe/resin detail set's inside. Some of them even have more pe/resin then kit parts. If something isn't there yet regarding replacing the kit part with resin, i will make it myself. That's what i have previously done with the MIG 23 nose cone. Regards Danny
  11. Crazy is the right word Carl, i think really crazy, but on the other hand, it will give the kit a nice extra dimension if you ask me. Yamato was also on my wanted list, but with the kit about 260€ and more then a equal on the AM it was a little on the expensive side. They are, still almost two years i think when they released their first Platinum kit, the Bismark. There's also technik kits that are released now, i think the Snowberry is one of them. They come with light set, which are fabricated and delivered from belgium. Regards Danny
  12. No need for aftermarket for this kit, this kit comes with a full load of different media. Regards Danny
  13. That's really tiny, not for my old eyes Carl. Respect for you guy's who tackle these kit's. Yep right on target, i couldn't quit give them a name, thank's allot.
  14. Time to put some photo's over here. I made a careful start on this beast. Like i said before, i'm used to build bigger scale, 1/32 airplane models, so this will be my first ship building in plastic medium, i hope everything will turn the way i like it. There's enough instructions to get lost on this one. The hull is separated into two half's, which both are nicely moulded, some seam lines need to be removed, but it's no difficult job to do.. The fit of the two half's is fairly good. I just wanted to know for sure how this kit would fit, so i did a dry-fit of both half's and the upper deck. Also the two inner (i don't know how to call them ) walls gave a very good fit into the hull. Dry-fit of the upper deck gave a good alignment, so for this i was happy. Time to glue the two half's together. When the gued is dry, i will glue two nuts into the hull, for later connection on a base plate. Also i will use epoxy glue into the separation seam for a secure connection. Indeed, yes, i put in all my models my signature and starting date of the project, let's say it's for good luck........... Ok guy's so far so good, it's not much, but it's a start. Regards Danny
  15. Oohh yes Patrick, i did see this fabolous build by Marijn in real person at a convention, really really great build. So your answer explains allot, thank's allot. Hi Greg, thank you for your answer. I know, they are really tiny, and i know also i will pushing myself to the limits. 2800 to be exactly, yes that's allot, but i will depict the ship when the most of them are asleep in their bunk's I know, it's not fair. Ok, guy's i made a start, expect photo's real soon. See ya Regards Danny
  16. Thank's guy's for the interest. Anybody of you guy's know this manufacturer?? https://northstarmodels.com/2012/12/sailor-set-1200-1300-scale/ Anybody has ordered there before??
  17. Yes indeed Carl, just do it, that's the best way, totally agree on that. PE isn't the problem, i've done enough on that during my build's on airplanes, but again, it's another subject in which i have knowledge. On ship's i have almost none, so i hope you guy's can give me allot's of feedback during my build process. Well, let's put it this way OC, on the www. there's lot's of space available, in my apartment, i'm afraid not Regards Danny
  18. Sure do Carl Research regarding, way to work true the numborous step's of adding pe, and the wooden deck. Ship's are rather new to me, but i like them allot, still, i'm not familiar to the way of steps taken for painting etc. so i did some research on Youtube regarding WIP's of people who worked there way true various of ship build's. Last evening and this morning i looked at some video's so now it's clear to me, and i know (i hope) what to do. First i need to glue one wing onto my F-104 fuselage and let it dry, then it's Tirpitz time. Regards Danny
  19. No worry's Carl, i will soon start this one, probably this evening, but first i have to clean some stuff from my workbench. Regards Danny
  20. Thank's Guy's, i will start very soon on this one. First i need some research to get started, so stay tuned. Regards Danny
  21. Hi Guy's, long time i posted something here, but that's gonna change. Today i just bought myself a long time wanna have gift. I will start soon on this one, just for now, are there any tip's to build this kit. Regards Danny
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