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Everything posted by jaws76

  1. taking a break from the lane from a bit and working on the halifax, needed to ponder some stuff on the lane since the structions are kinda bland on the stuff that goes on the deck, and time to find real pictures of the ship
  2. oh and i took the cap rail off so i can add wood
  3. ya not likeing a solid hull least my next model is gonna be the halifax, be starting that once i get a few more supplies, nailer, and stuff
  4. so the guns are a little tall, thought i had taken enough off but didnt, so have to add another rail to fix that , unless the ship is supposed to look for submarines
  5. hariat lane, halifax in the back burner to start

  6. for the most part everything is painted and got the rudder among other stuffdoing the bottom paddle wheels later prolly tonighstoppeed ip te rails so the guns arnr loking for submarines LOL, and not sorkng on the ouse have a few ideAS ONce i get the sculpy in a dew daysreLLY DONT WANR TO USE OPAOER ON THE SHIP TO SHO DETAIL, sorry for the lack of grammer meds and wine dont mix, oh and sleeping oneas really dont lol any commemnt to make thwe build better are lway greatfully appreciated
  7. the pics are not in order but its starting to look like a ship, dont think i like the solid hull but meh
  8. ya im blind didnt even see the other copper spool LOL haahaa
  9. well ran into my 1st problem, i over lapped the copper just a little to much and ran out SOB, kinda funny if u think about it though
  10. really am liking ur build is giving me good ideas as this is my 1st wood model, done plastic, such a difference. any help would be awsome or ideas i wish i could post my build as i go but my pics are way to big have to have my fiance adjust the camara lol
  11. i have to figure out how to make my picture files smaller they are to big, sigh for now im using a few ideas from sloogan, really liked the rivets in the copper and a brass pipe,
  12. so thought id do the hariat lane steam paddle cutter, am planking the sides, so not to far into it, but if any one has any suggestions on the masts once i get there that would be helpful, the instructions are vague on lots, shoulda actually read up on dificulty lvl for this one. ive done many reg plastic models and the uss const and cutty sark a few times so rigging is not new, mainly wondering what to use for the sails to be bunched up and best way to do that i suppose
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