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  1. Tanks for the thought, Joe, that's probably where I'll end up, but I'll give it a try first. A bit of Perseverance I'm not sure what sort of marks will be left on the plate after flattening out the hemispheres, so I'm not overly confident of success. Regards, Danny
  2. A few months ago now I acquired the Perseverance Deluxe Kit that included the copper sheathing, but I couldn't recommend that version - the copper plates provided have the half- circular dimples that are 1 mm across (which scale up to 48mm or nearly two inches), spaced evenly across the plate. When I pointed out to Colonial Shipyards that it was highly unlikely that any ship would have set sail with golf balls half embedded in the hull they became very defensive, stating that the copper plates varied enormously and asking who was I to criticise them ! When I get around to starting the model I'll have to try and make a jig to flatten the bulges and put in some proper nailing patterns, but for now I'm stuck with the things as Colonial Shipyards just don't want to know. A few minutes ago I had a look at their web site and the same plates with the same pattern are advertised, so nothing much has changed. Other than that, I was quite pleased with the kit, which I intend to use as the basis for a model of the Amity. I hope this is of some interest to others. Regards, Danny
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