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Posts posted by tomarack

  1. T very helpful is book >Young sea officer sheet anchor,where you can find plenty basic informationabout rig and rigging.
    It is for free too, you can download from>Interhet archive >> https://archive.org/details/youngseaofficers00leve/mode/2up


    The Elements and Practice of Rigging And Seamanship, 1794, by David Steel, is a comprehensive English textbook of rigging, seamanship and naval tactics. A key reference for those interested in the age of Nelson. Although at times difficult because of its fine detail, it will reward those that search through it to understand the technology of the era.

    It s available online for free > https://maritime.org/doc/steel/ <


    at the end ..this rope is really >tack<




  2. Hi Mick,

                greetings form Mid Europe... 

           I have to say, for the novice very  nice model, indeed (when remember my first efforts..)

           I can recommend Ivor Bittle  website too, maybe you can visit AMBO website..    




           You find more infos a photos from building and rigging  of thames sailing barges.

         There you can find   interesdting booklet  about buliding barges too  (somewhat bigger, RC models in 1:24 scale )




    I wish you success      Tom

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