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Everything posted by Aa-schipper

  1. Greetings, Wefalck! Zinc-plated iron—I did not think of that option. I'll look up my pictures over the weekend to see if the look of the metal bands might be zinc-like. Will post, of course, if I get any clues...
  2. Thank you, Buck, for the advice on the Sperwer's metal. Some years ago, when I started building, I have been to the museum where the Sperwer lies, and could not understand the metal then, too. There was no-one from the museum around to ask, at the time. You must be right: the doors to the cabin have fancy metalwork that must be wrought iron. Iron was the usual material for such uses. But iron does not go well with water, so the bands around the leeboards and rudder will probably be brass, which has been heavily discoloured, to the point of being almost as black as iron. It seems a bit late for me to start a build log: my progress has been very slow but by now most of the building of the hull has been done and I'm starting to put on the finishing touches. And more importantly: I'm starting to think about a second ship model, to make a better build (better quality kit and better quality execution ). If anyone has questions about Dutch ships, I'll be happy to give them a try, even though I'm a landlubber and an absoute beginner in wooden models.
  3. Finished my first hull--now for the mast & rigging!

  4. And as a contribution to the visuals on the Sperwer, I came across a short film item on sailing historic ships in Enkhuizen, which at about ¾ of the 1:24 minute movie shows the Sperwer--vaguely (not fit for enlarging to the full computer screen): http://eeuwvandestad.nl/archives/1603. Hope you like it!
  5. Thanks for the great collection of pictures! I'm building the Billings kit model (my 1st build) but want to improve a bit on it (to draw attention away from all the beginner's mistakes I'm making). One of the things I cannot see from the pictures is which types of metal are used for: * the metal bands around the rudder and the leeboards; * the fancy metal on the doors to the cabin. Should I colour them as iron, as brass, or ... ? Another concern I have is the length of the mast: the 1:23 model drawing shows a mast that in reality would be 9.08m tall above the deck. From a drawing in Vermeer's 'De boeier' I concluded that the mast was 10m above deck. The actual wooden model has a mast that falls short of the kit's drawing by .5cm (in reality: 11.5cm). I'm confused... What length should I build up in my model? Thanks in advance for any help you can give!
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