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Rigging Questions for Cutter-Rigged Longboat (like Medway)

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Hey folks, I hope this is the correct place to post this question.


So I've been working on a fully rigged longboat under sail, and have run into a couple logistical issues I was hoping to get some help with:




1. It looks like the foresail is 'looped' (via fairleads?) around the forestay so that when raised, the stay provides the luff of the foresail additional stability. However, the sheave through which the foresail halyard runs appears to be higher on the mast than where the forestay is secured. My question is: Do I have the general configuration correct, and if so, how does the foresail halyard block not conflict with the forestay when the foresail is raised (See picture)?


2. Simpler question: When raised, where does the clew of the foresail belay to on the boat? I ask because once I model the flag halyard, all four pins on the waist thwart will already be in use, and the foresail/flying jib halyards belay to the shrouds above the deadeyes... so there doesn't seem to be much room left unless a pin is used twice or the clew belays around a thwart or the lower mast itself.


Thanks in advance,


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