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Missing instruction booklet for AL San Francisco II

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A small request to the members - I am building the Artesania Latina San Francisco II and have misplaced the AL step by step instructions booklet (would have liked to blame the kids but it was probably me...), can anyone post scans of the instructions or point me to where I can get hold of a new booklet, I have also sent a request to AL and waiting to see if it's possible to acquire it separately.

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I have one, can mail it to you.. Where you are on a globe?


P.S.: but frankly, that booklet is quite useless, better use build logs here as an instruction. It is full of self-explanatory steps like "now plank the hull".

Edited by Mike Y
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Hi Mike, thank you, this will be really appreciated.

The reason I want the instructions is mainly in order to use the correct wood parts, AL models are not too generous with the quantities that they supply, trying to follow the instructions so I will not have to buy too much more.

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