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I was wondering what others are using to build display cases for their large models? I usually use glass, but that was for smaller models 36 inches long or less. But for a ship model 49 inches long, glass would be a might heavy and it will be displayed at a public library so I was thinking more along the lines of Plexiglass or something similar for lighter weight and safety reasons. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. The model will be 49 inches long and about 35 inches tall.  


If you look at my Druid, the last entry, you can see the case I ended up with.  It has a plexiglass dome that is pretty light for its size.  It is definitely smaller than what you are looking to do but I see no reason why it wouldn't scale up easily.  It will take some $$ for the plexiglass to be formed and glued.  I contracted mine out.




Thanks Mark, yes, I saw your Druid display and I love the base for it. Yes, I also agree, Plexiglass will be quite expensive for a display case that size. It will require a minimum of (2) 4x8 feet sheets and I figure that will run about $200.00 a sheet for quarter inch thickness. I have also been playing around with the idea of solid base like yours plus a solid wood top as well and install recessed lighting, which will accent the model. This is the last model that I will ever build and a bucket list project and will be donated along with the display case upon completion.  


I would suggest using wood corner posts and then just sheets of plexiglass into slots.  The cost would be a LOT less and given the size, the wood posts would not block too much.  For the Druid I used 3/16" and that is pretty strong..  This would also allow you to put the ship into the display and just put one case side into place, as opposed to trying to lower a dome over the whole thing (requiring twice the height).



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