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Everything posted by shortgrass

  1. Hi Jay, Sorry I couldn't get pictures up earlier. Here are a couple of pics of the Luthier sander on my drill press. Actually works quite well and am able to takle off as little or as much as I need. Dave :)
  2. Well, finally finished the rigging of the breeching rope to the cannons. I used 0.75 thread for the breeching rope and 0.25 for the seizings. Both natura (tan) in colour. I ended up using "zip" seizings for the breeching rope and that seemed to work quite well. (Thanks to Hubert for the idea of zip seizings). I attached the breeching rope to hooks which then went on to eyebolts that were on the inner bulwarks. There isn't much room on the deck of the Mars so I can only imagine what it was like when a broadside was fired. After the cannons were put in placed, I glued them to the deck. This was a bit tricky, but I applied the PVA to the wheels of the carriage assembly by using Microbrushes this worked out well. Attached are some pics showing how the cannons look. As usual, comments/critiques are welcome. Enjoy the pics. Dave
  3. First of all, thanks to Kip, Aldo, Tjeerd, Robert and Shipyard Sid for looking in my "revised" build log. Must apologize for not thanking you sooner. Dave
  4. Some time ago, I purchased a Luthier's thickness sander and I have attached it to my drill press. The sander has a micrometer on it so one can adjust thicknesses as required. Currently it is sufficent for my purposes. I will try and post a pic a bit later. Dave
  5. Unfortunately, I am unable to recall all the notes I made about this model, but will do my best to recall what I can. I started this model about a year or so ago. The planking patterns were quite difficult to install - this was mainly due to the thickness of the planking pattern as well as the unusual shape of the hull of the Mars. It was bluff ended at the bow and as the hull went lower it had more of a schooner shape hull. I used cherry veneer as the second planking and was pleased with the result. After the first planking, there was a fair bit of sanding that had to be done and as usual filler was used to even out the hull prior to planking. The hull was planked with boxwood and treenails installed using a pin vice drill and bamboo strips run through a draw plate to get the correct size. The cannons were rigged with breeching rope (0.75 mm thread) I used zip seizings for the seizing of the breeching rope. Am in the process of finishing the rigging of the cannons and will post some more pics once that is completer. I have attached some pics showing the build from the beginning until the last stage to try and give an impression of how the build has progressed. Dave ,,,,
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