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Don Quixote

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About Don Quixote

  • Birthday 11/19/1962

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  • Location
    Oakdale, California
  • Interests
    Reading, computers, cooking and of course modelling. I also run a web site for our City, Oakdale, California. (Sorry it's private) it uses the same software this site does, and exists as a place for the people of Oakdale to let loose and play around. It's a lot of fun. It's pretty much a shore leave site. REAL popular.

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  1.    'Ever complete the Grand Prix car?  I have the kit and intend to have a go at it eventually.  I did build the Hurdy Gurdy and to make it work half good, there had to be MAJOR modifications,  Wood-on-wood 'moving' faces were sealed with model airplane dope and sanded smooth with super-fine sandpaper.  Then there could be a little PTFE model train lube added to reduce friction and noise.


      Some of the journals had mini ball bearings installed (these were large enough to do that, but the car project is too small).  I thinned the soundboard on places, enlarged the sound chamber and installed spring returns for the keys.  With real instrument strings used its not half bad but ... I had fun doing it, staining the outside and varnishing.  Looks wonderful.


      So when I do the car its going to have to be done with enough care to make it operable (some builders have had troubles).     Johnny

    1. Don Quixote

      Don Quixote

      Nope. The Admiral insisted on parking her car in MY man cave! Rude, right? No priorities. Sold a 69 GTO and gave away the lift used for the off chases restore. JUST finished today moving my model workshop to a spare bedroom. 10'X10'. I was just getting ready to post pics in the "What have you done today" topic.


      Lost too many parts in the move including major parts to my serving machine made by <SP?> Alexa Dominnov. I had version 2.5 and He's now at version 4 so I didn't mind getting a new one.


      I did these a few years ago. They both work but the truck was supposed to have dualies and I just couldn't get the second set on.


      Thanks for asking, though:)



    2. Snug Harbor Johnny

      Snug Harbor Johnny

        Admirals ... gotta love 'em !   Fair sailing, mate.   Johnny

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