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Don Quixote

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About Don Quixote

  • Birthday 11/19/1962

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  • Location
    Oakdale, California
  • Interests
    Reading, computers, cooking and of course modelling. I also run a web site for our City, Oakdale, California. (Sorry it's private) it uses the same software this site does, and exists as a place for the people of Oakdale to let loose and play around. It's a lot of fun. It's pretty much a shore leave site. REAL popular.

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  1. Don't Tie Yore Reins To Th' Outhouse

    Don't tie yore reins to th' outhouse, most 'specially on a windy day,
    Some booger might come an spook yore horse, an' he'll drag it away.

    An' there you'll be trapped inside, holdin' on fer a jerky ride,
    Yellin' WHOA while tryin' t' git yore drawers up, an' loudly cussin' his ornery hide.

    Now he thinks th' outhouse is chasin' him, an' you ain't helpin' none verbalizin' loud,
    So he's just backin' up keepin' 'em tight, if he 'uz a ropin' horse you'd be proud.

    Finally it's dragged up agin' a tree, yore concentration shack ain't movin' no more,
    An' you sittin' there cussin' yore bad luck, 'cause it's layin' right on th' door!

    You look around an' then you see, th' truth slaps ya up side th' face,
    Th' light's comin' in thru' th' seat, th' only way out'a this place.

    A most awful disagreeable thought, can you shimmy out right thru' there,
    Hope nobody's quietly watchin', this is not a story you'll share.

    Or maybe you'll just kick off some boards, make another door on this contemplation shack,
    Just in case some other feller's in a hurry, ups an' ties his boogery horse on th' back.

    So you commence to doin' some kickin', gonna git out'a there you bet,
    Finally yore out Sears catalog in hand, 'cause you ain't done yore bizness yet.

    Andy G. Carr Copyright
    Saw this paintin' by Bud Breen this mornin' and my mischevious, fertile mind was inspired to write this poem.
    Sharin' an' copyin' on Facebook is apreciated.

    Image may contain: outdoor

    Don't Tie Yore Reins To Th' Outhouse

    Don't tie yore reins to th' outhouse, most 'specially on a windy day,
    Some booger might come an spook yore horse, an' he'll drag it away.

    An' there you'll be trapped inside, holdin' on fer a jerky ride,
    Yellin' WHOA while tryin' t' git yore drawers up, an' loudly cussin' his ornery hide.

    Now he thinks th' outhouse is chasin' him, an' you ain't helpin' none verbalizin' loud,
    So he's just backin' up keepin' 'em tight, if he 'uz a ropin' horse you'd be proud.

    Finally it's dragged up agin' a tree, yore concentration shack ain't movin' no more,
    An' you sittin' there cussin' yore bad luck, 'cause it's layin' right on th' door!

    You look around an' then you see, th' truth slaps ya up side th' face,
    Th' light's comin' in thru' th' seat, th' only way out'a this place.

    A most awful disagreeable thought, can you shimmy out right thru' there,
    Hope nobody's quietly watchin', this is not a story you'll share.

    Or maybe you'll just kick off some boards, make another door on this contemplation shack,
    Just in case some other feller's in a hurry, ups an' ties his boogery horse on th' back.

    So you commence to doin' some kickin', gonna git out'a there you bet,
    Finally yore out Sears catalog in hand, 'cause you ain't done yore bizness yet.

    Andy G. Carr Copyright
    Saw this paintin' by Bud Breen this mornin' and my mischevious, fertile mind was inspired to write this poem.
    Sharin' an' copyin' on Facebook is apreciated.

    Image may contain: outdoor


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