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  1. Hi Rick, Thanks for the response, I'll try the nail and styrene tube solution. I like many features you have used, one being the vertical deck pieces at the front of the second deck. Well done. By for now, John
  2. Hi Rick, I have just joined this web site. I am also working on the King of the Mississippi, but I do not have all the experience you and other members of this have. So, thanks for sharing and I have a simple question. How do I connect the paddle-wheel rods (part 98) to the rod arms (part 99). The instruction book says to connect them using the shaft, which is a piece of brass wire "fastened on both sides". Not sure how to do this "fastening so it will all move. I love your motorized paddle-wheel. Thanks. John
  3. Hi John, I have just joined this site. I am also working on this model and I have very much enjoyed your posts and pictures. You are both a skilled and patient craftsman! I am about to put together the paddlewheel arms and rods using the shaft. I assume the shaft is a 10mm piece of the heavy brass wire, but I cannot figure out how to put these pieces together. Any thoughts?
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