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st george

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Posts posted by st george

  1. 1943 - During Battle of Kolombangara in Solomon Islands, U.S. lost USS Gwin. (DD-433) while Japanese lost light cruiser Jintsu.

    2012 - A cargo ship carrying humanitarian aid supplies like food and medicine has traveled from Miami to Havana, Cuba for the first time in fifty years. Other similar services have operated out of different ports but only recently had the International Port Corporation obtained the special permit required to transport these services from Miami to Cuba due to the trade embargo that was placed on the country in 1962.

  2. 1801 - British Royal Navy ships inflict heavy damage against Spanish and French ships in the Second Battle of Algeciras.

    1916 - North Carolina is first Navy ship to carry and operate aircraft

    1918 - The Imperial Japanese Navy battleship Kawachi blows up at Shunan, western Honshu, Japan, killing at least 621.
    1951 - Ninth Naval District forces assist in flood relief work in Kansas City through 20 July
    1953 - United Nations Fleet launches heavy air and sea attack on Wonsan; Major John Bolt, USMC becomes first jet ace in Marine Corps.
    1988 - SECDEF approves opening Navy's Underwater Construction Teams, fleet oiler, ammunition ships, and combat stores ships to women.

  3. 1405 - Ming admiral Zheng He sets sail to explore the world for the first time.

    1576 - Martin Frobisher sights Greenland.

    1776 - Captain James Cook begins his third voyage.

    1863 - Japanese battle cruiser shoots at Dutch warship Medusa, kills 4.

    1882 - British fleet bombs Alexandria

    1914 - USS Nevada (BB-36) is launched.

    1918 - Henry Ford launches first of 100 Eagle boats.
    1943 - Gunfire from U.S. cruisers and destroyers stop German and Italian tank attack against Army beachhead at Gela, Sicily.

  4. 1934 - USS Houston takes Franklin Delano Roosevelt on first visit of U.S. President to South America.
    1943 - Naval gunfire help Allied troops land on Sicily. It was first extensive use of LST's and smaller landing craft to deliver heavy equipment over the beach.
    1945 - 14 carriers from Third Fleet carriers begin air strikes on Japanese Home Islands which end 15 August.

    1985 - The Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior is sunk when French agents plant a bomb on the hull of the boat while docked in Auckland harbour, New Zealand. The Rainbow Warrior had been preparing for a protest voyage to the French nuclear test site in the South Pacific

    1987 - An attack by an Iranian Gunboat on a US super tanker in the Persian Gulf caused oil prices to jump to $21.23 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.  

  5. 1853 - Admiral Perry and U.S. Navy visit Japan.

    1916 - 1st cargo submarine to cross Atlantic arrives in U.S. from Germany.

    1917 - HMS Vanguard explodes at Scapa Flow killing 804.

    1943 - World War II: Operation Husky – Allied forces perform an amphibious invasion of Sicily.
    1944 - Organized Japanese resistence ceases on Saipan, Marianas.
    1960 - USS Wasp departs Guantanamo Bay to support United Nations effort to calm the newly independent Congo.

    2003 - The ferry "MV Nasrin-1" travelling from Dhaka, to Lalmohan hits strong winds and high seas causing the ferry to overturn ( It is also believed the ferry was overloaded with passengers and cargo ) making it more unstable. At least 500 are believed to have drowned in the strong currents and 200 are rescued.

  6. 1283 - Roger of Lauria, commanding the Aragonese fleet defeats an Angevin fleet sent to put down a rebellion on Malta in the Battle of Malta.

    1497 - Vasco da Gama sets sail on the first direct European voyage to India.

    1716 - The naval Battle of Dynekilen takes place.

    1760 - Battle of Restigouche – British forces defeat French forces in last naval battle in New France.

    1836 - HMS Beagle and Charles Darwin reach Saint-Helena.
    1879 - USS Jeannette departs San Francisco to explore Arctic.

    1898 - U.S. battle fleet under Admiral Dewey occupies Isla Grande at Manila.

    1932 - The French Submarine Prominthee sank while doing testing maneuvers in Cherbourg Harbor taking 66 crew members to a depth of 130ft. 
    1944 - Naval bombardment of Guam begins.

  7. 1798 - Congress rescinds treaties with France; Quasi War begins with Frigate Delaware capturing French privateer, Croyable.
    1846 - Commodore John D. Sloat lands at Monterey and claims California for U.S.

    1908 - Great White Fleet leaves San Francisco Bay.
    1916 - Thomas A. Edison becomes head of Naval Consulting Board which screens inventions for use by the Navy.

    1952 - The ocean liner SS United States passes Bishop's Rock on her maiden voyage, breaking the transatlantic speed record to become the fastest passenger ship in the world.

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