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st george

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Everything posted by st george

  1. September 30 1659 - Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked (according to Daniel Defoe). 1780 - HMS Pearl (32), Cptn George Montagu, took French frigate Esperance (28) off Bermuda. 1814 - HMS Crane Sloop (18), Robert Standly, foundered in the West Indies with the loss of all hands. 1822 - HMS Eliza tender (1) engaged two pirates off Guajaba and took one Firme Union (5). 1944 - USS Nautilus (SS-168) lands supplies and evacuates some people from Panay, Philipppine Islands. 1946 - U.S. Government announces that U.S. Navy units would be permanently stationed in the Mediterranean to carry out American policy and diplomacy. 1954 - Commissioning at Groton, CT, of USS Nautilus (SSN-571), the world's first nuclear-powered ship 1968 - Battleship New Jersey arrives off Vietnam.
  2. 480 - Battle of Salamis: The Greek fleet under Themistocles defeats the Persian fleet under Xerxes I. 1795 - HMS Southampton (32) engaged Vestale. 1803 - Boats of HMS Antelope (50), Commodore Sir Sidney Smith, reconnoitre the enemy fleet in the Texel. At daylight they were pursued by two schooners and five rowing gun vessels and, when the latter became separated, they attacked and sank one before the cutters could reach them. 1803 - HMS Leda (38), Cptn. Robert Honeyman, drove ashore 2 gun-vessels off Boulogne. 1808 - HMS Maria gun brig, Lieut. James Bennett (Killed in Action), captured by French corvette Departement des Landes (22) off Point Antigua, Grand Terre, Guadeloupe. The French ran her on shore and left her a wreck. 1812 - HMS Barbadoes (28), Cptn. Thomas Huskisson, and 2 of the convoy she was escorting wrecked on Sable Island, Bermuda. 1812 - Capture of 4 French vessels at Valencia by HMS Minstrel (18), John Strutt Peyton. 1812 - Attack on Mittau, Riga by flotilla of Russian and British gunboats. 1829 - USS Hornet (20) lost in gale of Tampico, Mexico. 1853 - Emigrant ship "Annie Jane" sinks off Scotland, drowning 348. 1911 - Gun magazine of French battleship Liberte explodes. 1944 - USS Narwhal (SS-167) evacuates 81 Allied prisoners of war that survived sinking of Japanese Shinyo Maru from Sindangan Bay, Mindanao. 1959 - USS Kearsarge (CVS-33) with Helicopter Squadron 6 and other 7th Fleet units begin 6 days of disaster relief to Nagoya, Japan, after Typhoon Vera.
  3. September 28 1528 - Spanish fleet sinks in Florida hurricane; about 380 die 1538 - Battle at Preveza: Turkish fleet under Barbarossa beats Spanish 1652 - English fleet of 68 ships,under Robert Blake, defeats Dutch fleet of 62 ships, under Vice-Admiral Witte de With, at the Battle of Kentish Knock, off the mouth of the Thames. 1799 - HMS Blanche (32), Cptn. John Ayscough, wrecked after grounding several times in the Texel. 1799 - HMS Fox (18), Lt. James Woolridge, wrecked in St. George's Sound, Gulf of Mexico. The crew were stranded on the reef for 32 days. 1805 - Nelson joins Collingwood in blockading Cadiz. 1807 - HMS Louisa (14), Lt. Joseph Hoy, engaged French privateer Le Marsouin (14). 1810 - Boats of HMS Rambler (14), Robert Hall, defeated French Dragoons and took a privateer in the river at Barbate that they were protecting. 1822 - Sloop-of-war USS Peacock (22), Cdr. Cassis, captures 5 pirate vessels at Funda Bay. 1850 - Congress outlaws flogging on US Navy ships. 1944 - Marines occupy islands in Palaus under cover of naval aircraft and gunfire support. 1964 - First deployment of Polaris A-3 missile on USS Daniel Webster (SSBN 626) from Charleston, SC.
  4. September 27 1066 - William the Conqueror's troops set sail for England. 1778 - HMS Experiment (50) and HMS Unicorn (26) captured Continental Navy frigate Raleigh (32), John Barry, off Boston. 1803 - Calais bombarded by HMS Autumn, Samuel Jackson, and consorts. 1806 - HMS Dispatch (18), Edward Hawkins, captured French frigate Presidente (40). 1813 - HMS Bold Sloop (14), John Skekel, wrecked on Prince Edward's Island. 1840 - Sidon captured by HMS Thunderer (84) and squadron. 1840 - HMS Imogene (28) burnt while in ordinary in the covered South Dock at Plymouth. The fire started in HMS Talavera (74) and spread through the dockyard sheds and stacked timber. The fire also reached HMS Minden (74), but she was saved, and the Adelaide Gallery, where many important relics and trophies were lost. 1854 - Steamship "Arctic" sinks with 300 people on board. 1922 - Report on observations of experiments with short wave radio at Anacostia, DC, starts Navy development of radar. 1941 - Launch of first Liberty ship, SS Patrick Henry, in Baltimore, MD. 1938 - British ocean liner "Queen Elizabeth," launches at Clydebank Scotland. 1942 - Armed Guard on SS Stephen Hopkins engages German auxiliary cruiser Stier and supply ship Tannenfels. Stephen Hopkins and Stier both sink.
  5. 1580 - Frances Drake completes circumnavigation of the world, sailing into Plymouth aboard the Golden Hind. 1781 - French fleet defeats British at Yorktown, VA. 1918 - USCGC Tampa lost with 118 men, probably by German submarine. 1925 - Italian sub "Sebastiano Veniero" lost off Sicily with 54 dead. 1931 - Keel laying at Newport News, VA of USS Ranger (CV-4), first ship designed and constructed as an aircraft carrier. 1934 - British liner Queen Mary is launched. 1954 - Japanese ferry boat Toya Maru sinks in Strait of Tsugaru, 1172 die. 1963 - First steam-eject launch of Polaris missile at sea off Cape Canaveral, FL (now Cape Kennedy) from USS Observation Island (EAG-154). 2002 - The overcrowded Senegalese ferry MV Joola capsizes off the coast of Gambia killing more than 1,000.
  6. 1493 - Columbus sails with 17 ships on 2nd voyage to the Americas. 1836 - HMS Beagle anchors at St Michael. 1868 - The Imperial Russian steam frigate Alexander Neuski shipwrecks off Jutland while carrying Grand Duke Alexei of Russia. 1911 - French battleship Liberte explodes at Toulon Harbor, 285 killed. 1941 - In first successful U.S. Navy escort of convoys during World War II, Navy escort turn over HX-150 to British escorts at the Mid-Ocean Meeting Point. All ships reach port safely. 2012 - 50 Taiwanese ships clash with the Japan Coast Guard in waters off the Senkaku Islands.
  7. 1853 - 1st round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius Vanderbilt). 1944 - 5th Fleet carrier aircraft attack Japanese in Visayas, Philippines. 1960 - First nuclear powered aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise (CVAN-65), launched at Newport News, VA.
  8. 1835 - HMS Beagle sails to Charles Island in Galapagos archipelago. 1857 - Russian warship Leffort disappears in Finland Gulf in storm; 826 die. 1944 - Naval Task Group lands Army troops on Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands. 1944 - USS West Virginia (BB-48) reaches Pearl Harbor and rejoins the Pacific Fleet, marking the end of the salvage and reconstruction of 18 ships damaged at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. 1990 - Two Hospital ships (USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort) steam together for first time in Arabian Gulf.
  9. 1776 - John Paul Jones in Providence sails into Canso Bay, Nova Scotia, and attacks British fishing fleet. 1914 - 1 German submarine sinks 3 British ironclads, 1,459 die. 1943 - Destroyer HMS Itchen torpedoed & sinks. 1943 - Destroyer HMS Keppel sinks U-229. 1943 - U.S. destroyers and landing craft land Australian troops at Finschhafen, New Guinea. 1958 - US nuclear sub USS Skate remains 31 days under Pole. 1989 - After Hurricane Hugo, Sailors and Marines provide assistance to Charleston, SC, through 10 October.
  10. 1519 - Ferdinand Magellan starts 1st successful circumnavigation of world. 1797 - US frigate Constitution (Old Ironsides) launched in Boston. 1906 - Cunard Line's RMS Mauretania is launched at the Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson shipyard in Newcastle, England. 1967 - British liner Queen Elizabeth II launched at Clydebank Scotland.
  11. 1559 - 5 Spanish ships sinks in storm off Tampa, about 600 die. 1833 - Charles Darwin visits Guardia del Monte, Argentina. 1957 - Bathyscaph Trieste, in a dive sponsored by the Office of Naval Research in the Mediterranean, reaches record depth of 2 miles. 1992 - Joint Task Force Marianas stands down after providing assistance to Guam after Typhoon Omar.
  12. 1502 - Christopher Columbus lands at Costa Rica on his 4th & last voyage. 1936 - Squadron 40-T, based in the Mediterranean, established to protect U.S. interests and citizens around Iberian peninsula throughout the Spanish Civil War. 1941 - U.S. Navy ships escort eastbound British trans-Atlantic convoy for first time (Convoy HX-150). Although the U.S. Navy ships joined HX-150, which left port escorted by British ships on 16th, on night of 17 September, the official escort duty began on 18th. 1944 - British submarine Tradewind torpedoes Junyo Maru: 5,600 killed.
  13. Congrats Chris She looks great. I'd like to see her in a box on my door step now.
  14. 1598 - Netherland sailors discover Mauritius. 1819 - First whaling ship arrives in Hawaii. 1835 - Charles Darwins lands on Chatham Galapagos-archipelago. 1861 - Union landing party from USS Massachusetts takes possession of Ship Island south of New Orleans, LA. This was the headquarters for ADM David Farragut's Gulf Coast Blockading Squadron. 1944 - Navy Task Force lands Army troops on Angaur, Palau Islands supported by Navy carrier aircraft and shore bombardment. 1956 - Norman Buckley has smashed the World Water Speed Record in his motorboat, Miss Windermere III at an average speed of over 79mph on Lake Windermere. 2012 - China dispatches 1,000 fishing boats to Senkaku Islands.
  15. 1922 - Commander Halsey Powell in USS Edsall became the senior officer directing the evacuation of 250,000 Greek refugees from Turkey after war between Greece and Turkey. 1958 - USS Grayback fires first operational launch of Regulus II surface to surface guided missile off CA coast; Missile carries first U.S. mail sent by guided missile. 1966 - USS Oriskany helicopters rescue 44-men crew of British merchant ship August Moon near Hong Kong.
  16. 1620 - Mayflower departs from Plymouth England with 102 pilgrims. 1835 - HMS Beagle with Charles Darwin onboard reaches Galapagos Islands. 1931 - British naval fleet mutinies at Invergordon over pay cuts. 1942 - US aircraft carrier Wasp torpedoed at Guadalcanal. 1944 - British bombers hit Tirpitz with Tallboy bombs. 1966 - 1st British nuclear sub HMS Resolution launched.
  17. 1716 - 1st lighthouse in American colonies lit (Boston Harbor). 1899 - Gunboat Concord and monitor Monterey capture two insurgent schooners at Aparri, Philippine Islands. 1926 - British, American and French warships battle for control of the Yangtse River following bombardment of foreign vessels by the Chinese. 1939 - Atlantic Squadron Neutrality Patrol ships deploy.
  18. 1814 - British bombardment of Fort McHenry inspires the Star Spangled Banner. 1861 - 1st naval battle of Civil War, Union frigate "Colorado" sinks privateer "Judah" off Pensacola, Fla. 1906 - Sailors and Marines from USS Denver land in Havana at the request of the Cuban government to preserve order during a revolution. 1985 - Commander Middle East Force orders escort of Military Sealift Ships in Persian Gulf because of Iranian seizure of merchant vessels.
  19. 1624 - 1st submarine tested (London). 1944 - 5th Fleet carrier aircraft begin 3-day attack on Japanese shipping and facilities in Visayas, Philippines. 1952 - USS Coral Sea (CVB-43) took Marshall Josip Tito for a one-day cruise in the Adriatic Sea where he was shown flight operations. 1961 - Navy task force sails to aid the Galveston area after hurricane Carla hits Texas. 1941 - 1st German ship in WW II captured by US ship. Coast Guard Cutter USS Northland captures the German vessel Busko.
  20. 1814 - In Battle of Lake Champlain, Commodore Thomas Macdonough defeats a British Squadron. 1939 - British submarine Triton torpedoes British submarine Oxley. 1939 - Bear (AG-29) is commissioned by the U.S. Navy for Antarctic operations under command of RADM Richard Byrd, USN (Ret.). 1941 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces order to the Navy to "shoot on sight" vessels threatening U.S. shipping or ships under U.S. escort. 1943 - Last German Q/pirate ship sinks near Easter Island. 1943 - Italian Navy surrenders to Allies. 2002 - The "Don't Tread on Me" First Navy Jack is flown by Navy ships marking the first anniversary of the terrorists attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center.
  21. 1813 - In Battle of Lake Erie, Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, flying his "Don't give up the ship" flag, defeats British squadron and says: "We have met the enemy and they are ours..." 1905 - Japanese battleship Mikasa explodes. 1925 - Submarine R-4 rescues crew of PN-9 10 miles from their destination of Hawaii. (See also September 1) 1943 - Italian fleet anchors at Malta.
  22. 1825 - USS Brandywine sails for France to carry the Marquis de Lafayette home after his year long visit to America. 1841 - First iron ship authorized by Congress. 1940 - Navy awards contracts for 210 ships, including 12 carriers and 7 battleships. 1943 - Operation Avalanche, Western Naval Task Force under VADM Hewitt, USN, lands Allied forces at Salerno, Italy 1943 - 15 German JU-88's sink Italian flag ship Rome. 1944 - Fifth Fleet carrier aircraft begin air strikes on Japanese shipping and facilities at Mindanao, Philippines.
  23. 1833 - Charles Darwin departs to Buenos Aires. 1860 - Loss of steamer, "Lady Elgin". 1914 - British trader Oceanic sinks off Scotland. 1923 - In disaster at Point Honda, California, 7 destroyers run aground through faulty navigation.
  24. 1596 - Dutch fleet bombs Banten Java. 1652 - Battle of Monte Christo: Dutch fleet under J van Galen beat English. 1775 - The first prize, the British supply ship, Unity, was captured by the Continental schoonerHannah. 1860 - Excursion steamer "Lady Elgin" drowns 340 in Lake Michigan. 1942 - First air evacuation of casualties to hospital ships off shore occurs at Guadalcanal.
  25. 1492 - Columbus' fleet leaves Gomera, Canary islands. 1622 - Spanish silver fleet disappears off Florida Keys; 1,000s die. 1776 - Hurricane hits Martinique; 100 French & Dutch ships sinks; 600 die. 1776 - 1st (failed) submarine attack (David Bushnell's "Turtle" attacks British sailboat "Eagle" in Bay of NY). 1940 - First destroyers transferred to Great Britain at Halifax, Nova Scotia, under "Destroyers-for- Bases agreement. 1944 - USS Independence (CVL-22) begins use of specially trained air group for night work. First time that a fully equipped night carrier operates with fast carrier task force.
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