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About BobTheBuilder

  • Birthday 06/29/1946

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  • Location
    Northern Virginia, USA
  • Interests
    Model ships now, Clive Cussler novels.

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  1. I am starting a little bit more on the Mayflower, I have not been able to do anything with it since I've moved from California to Virginia to take care of my parents. I have built a shopin their basement and I will try to add some pictures soon.
  2. I continue to work on the Mayflower this week and this is where I am so far.
  3. I'm at the exact same place as you are on my Mayflower build. I was waiting for your next blog to see how it's going!
  4. Well, a lot as happened since I last contributed to my builder blog. I've had to move from my home in Northern California to Northern Virginia outside Washington DC to take care my 90+ year-old parents. So I brought my Mayflower kit and all my tools with me and set up shop here in my parents home in the basement.
  5. Hi Drake, I was going to make a adjustable jig for plank bending that I saw in one of my model shipbuilding books, however, I found this one for $22 at MicroMark, here's the link: http://www.micromark.com/plank-forming-jig,7164.html I used a steamer to bend the plank, it's really a nifty tool! So far I've only used it for the rabbit at the start of the Mayflower but I look forward to doing the planks with it because you can bend five or six planks at the same time! Bob
  6. I have finally made some progress on the bulkhead but, as you can see, I tried the Lego thing and they got glued, :-) oh well, they're hidden, one of many mistakes I've made so far!
  7. Well, I finally got my shop ready to start on the Mayflower build. I can only sit or stand for just a little bit at a time to work on it so it's going to take quite a while to build, at least until my back gets better.
  8. Hi SkerryAmp, I just finished reading your log in preparation for my start of the Mayflower when I get it from model expo. You're doing a beautiful job and I hope I can do the same looking at your log. I didn't see much detail on how you did the hull planking, did I miss a page? Thx again, Bob the builder
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