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Everything posted by Victory_Aus

  1. Here is a bit more progress on my build. It's slowly getting there.
  2. That's perfect thanks
  3. Hi, as the topic suggests I'm seeking what the best way to attach dead eyes to masts. I've attached a picture of one of my masts where I've attached a couple but I'm sort of just wrapping the thread around the mast and glueing it. Seems wrong. Is there a better way of tying some kind of knot?
  4. Haha no I started in March 2014. I put a fair bit of effort pushing making the hull, planking and etc, but only do one tiny bit a week so slow going... I'm kinda stuck on the rigging because I'm not familiar with many knots and its a bit tedious. I'm just stuck on how to tie things to the masts.
  5. For those that may be interested on my build I've finally finished all the detail and paint on the hull... Pretty happy with my efforts for a first build. Is anyone able to help me with the best method for attaching the dead eyes to the masts? I've just wrapped them around with a dab if glue but seems like there is a better way? Any help appreciated I've put up a picture of one of the masts I'm working on as an example.
  6. I finally finished all the tiling on the hull of the ship. I'm fairly certain the Mamoli factory was burnt down by a rogue modeler that had the pleasure of sticking these things down. I've gone crossed eyed. It looks ok but the problem is none of the little pieces of wood were cut into a consistent size. It was a battle to get the consistency in the pattern. It was my first time doing this tiling and I released a little to late I was painting myself into a corner after a while. I had to also bring the tiles from bottom up before things got to far out of shape. I think I get a pass. I've started painting the hull with liquid copper paint. It's coming up quite good. I'm going to look forward to adding some detail to the top.
  7. Thanks for the feedback... Appreciate the nice comment..... I think patience is the key. Couple more pictures but including those damn tiles!
  8. Hi All, I bought a Mamoli 1:150 HMS Victory back in March. I’ve attached a picture of where I’m up to at the moment. I don’t really know one end of a ship to another to be honest, but quite enjoy learning about history and this ship has that in spades. I've always been interested in Nelson and Napoleon since I travelled through Europe some years ago. I’m not a complete unco when it comes to wood work, so thought I’d jump into something that’s relatively difficult to challenge me, but I admit I’m not quite ready for one of the big boys just yet! lol It’s taken a long time to get it to this point but I’ve quite enjoyed the experience. It can be quite therapeutic at times when life gets busy and proud of the fact of I’ve been able to create a 3D shape out of a pile of wood! The kit itself was pretty challenging to line everything initially, so I've had to make some adjustments on the run!. I’m currently at a point where I’m sticking down all these little pieces to simulate copper on the hull – I’m going cross eyed in the process. Does anyone have any thoughts on what style of copper paint to use? Is metallic copper to radical? I think the flat copper is unlikely to give it a metal finish like real copper. The unfortunate thing about the Mamoli kit is I’m missing a couple of cannons. I understand from the supplier i purchased the kit from that Mamoli is no longer trading, so I’m unable to source replacement parts it seems i'll be a couple of cannons short on the upper deck. Hope it's looking up to scratch compared to some of the amazing builds I've seen on here. Thanks
  9. Thanks everyone for your quick responses. I'm glad the consensus view is mahogany isn't up for the job. It's what I was thinking. I wonder why they use it in the kits for the detail pieces. I'm finding the three ply works well enough and I'll paint it if I find it looks out of place. Thanks again.
  10. Hi All, I actually already posted this question but it seems to have disappeared from the forum via a technical glitch. I'm building a 1:150 mamola HMS Victory. There are a series of small "L" shaped pieces that need to be made out of 1mm x 10mm mahogany veneer strip. I'm finding this to be very difficult, not because of the scale, i.e 5-10mm but due to the timber always splitting and falling apart. When by some miracle I get the shape close they crumble to pieces when a whole is drilled into it. I use a small bastard file to shape The piece and understand the concept of using the wood grain to advantage. Can any of the pro's advise how best to do this? It's a bit disheartening when I'm stuck on the first page of the instructions LOL I'm using the scraps of the1mm mahogany threeply as a work around and that seems to do the trick but not as good. Thanks Jarrod
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