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Posts posted by PETERPETER

  1. Good day Ed,


    I'm looking at Square Frame DF A Rev. 1/25/13, which I just opened on my iMac computer. First I see that the image opened at 103%.  Now I want to print a copy on my CANON MX350 and the print options are O Fit ... O Actual Size ... and O Shrink Oversize Pages. If I choose O Actual Size and do nothing else but select PRINT, shall I assume that the frame drawing will print out at 100%? Or is it going to print out at 103%? Should I first change the magnification of the image on the computer from 103% to 100% and then print at O Actual Size. I need some way to verify that the prints are true to 1:48 scale. I'm certain you can help me out with this conundrum.


    Similarly, printing frames from the ECHO CLASS SLOOPS CD, each frame drawing contains a 5" scale line for both height and width. One can then verify the correctness of the frame prints. For you to go back and add scale lines would be very time consuming. There must be a simple way to verify correctness 


    I am thoroughly enjoying Vol. I of The NAIAD Frigate. It puts me to sleep at night, only because my eyes are tired. I wish there were some way to copy your Builder's Log here at MSW. The informatioin, over-and-above what I expect to find in Vol II would be priceless should I move ahead with a NAIAD build. Maybe you could copy your builder's log to a CD and offer it for sale.




  2. Good day Ed,


    How fortunate we are that you had saved the contents of your builder's log before the recent disaster here at MSW. I was counting on being able to refer to the excellent photos and discussions, should I attempt to build NAIAD. Like many others, I'm anxiously awaiting the release of Vol II, and have already completed construction of the shipway described in Vol I.

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