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Posts posted by peterwwebster

  1. Ok Guys I now have two thoughts.


    Re building Victory. Read, read & read again. I managed to fit the dummy barrel strips before fitting the deck because I didnt read the instructions properly.  I managed to get the top strip out so no major problem.


    Even when reading the instructions there are doubts. Instructions say fit the stem & keelson but what about the rest of the keel. I used the search command on the PDF version of the instructions and there they are on page 9.


    I Started the canon last night whist waiting for the glue to set on the hull, My what a lot of bits.


    Second issue, what am I doing wrong? Despite reading the help section I am not sure if I have set up a build log properly. I want to add some pics of day one. Have I done it right ?

    Help from the experts please

  2. Ok The kit arived and I am in awe!  However I have been busy reading the books, looking at plans, the JoTiKa web site and the build logs so all is becoming clear!!!!!


    I am just finishing my Billing Nordkap before laying the keel on Victory.


    I have lots of thoughts going on pending a start but one has propted a question - on rigging. I feel the white rigging looks wrong. Its is too white. Most ropes I have seen on ships are not bright white. I tried weak tea & coffee on the Nordkap which results in a slight dirty look which I think looks more realistic but I wondered what the experts think. Also the rope are too stiff and arte not heavy enough to drape naturally. The standing rigging is not a problem as it is tight but what do you do about running rigging etc which is supposed to hang in a graceful curve.


  3. I have just worked my way through the 20 pages of your amazing log and I am not sure if I am dreading or revelling in the pending arival of my Victory.  I have almost finished the Billing Nordcap and i am very pleased with the result so I decided for better or worse to invest in a major modelling project. I am delighted to find your site and I hope to be able to refer to it constantly as the need arises.  Many thanks for sharing your knowledge. I will see if I can keep a build log just in case.


    Just as an aside many years ago I was in Portsmouth with two friends on busines. Our plans were cancelled so we went to the dockyard and we were all gazing in awe at the stern planking when a navy officer heard us discussing how hard it must have been to build. He turned out to be the Officer of the Day, and invited us on board when the ship closed. We spent a very interesting time with a private tour of the ship, even stepping over the barriers in Nelsons cabin,  and a few too many rums in the ward room. Fancy me now looking at dealing with those three dimensional curved planks!!!

    Wish me luck

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