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Everything posted by ppddry

  1. 2011-12-19: upper deck ledges, riding bitts, gratings, capstan partner 2011-12-24: main jeer bitts, main topsail sheet bitts, lower deck pillars, pump well 2011-12-24&25: the whole assembly 2012-01-05: lower deck cabins
  2. Thank you, David! At the beginning I was not sure about how to draw this in 3D either. And I tested quite a few methods until I found the one that works for me. Jingyang
  3. 2011-12-09: internal planking of the Lower Deck, elm tree pumps, chain pumps, upper deck beams, carlings, partners, and upper deck hook 2011-12-09: coamings of the upper deck hatches 2011-12-09: assembling all parts
  4. 2011-12-04: First rendering attempt. The material was too reflective.
  5. 2011-11-11: Masts were added.
  6. 2011-09-19: Longitudinal section
  7. 2011-09-19: Putting all the parts together. Midship section
  8. 2011-09-18: The platforms in the hold. Putting the keel assembly, the planking in the hold, and the platforms together.
  9. 2011-09-18: The planking in the hold was also completed.
  10. 2011-09-18: By this date, the lower deck was completed.
  11. 2011-06-15: main wale 2011-06-15: shape of the external planking The frames can be seen by setting the external planking transparent! 2011-06-16: Cutting the bottom planking into individual planks. 2011-06-17: Finished cutting the bottom planking. 2011-06-18: The main wale was also cut into individual pieces.
  12. 2011-05-17: internal planking and external planking 2011-05-20: The space between the internal planking and the external planking was filled to form the shape of the frames. 2011-05-21: the shape of the keel assembly 2011-05-23: cutting the frames 2011-06-12: All frames were completed!
  13. 2011-02-26: details of the chains and deadeyes 2011-02-28: HALF-BREADTH PLAN added - keel assembly, main half breadth, toptimber half breadth, top side half breadth, half breadth of the rising line, projections of the diagonals 2011-03-02: BODY PLAN added. A set of lines for the inner surface of the frames are also drawn but not shown in this figure. 2011-03-04: water lines, cant frames, fashion piece, hawse pieces, transoms, inner post, apron, keelson, first thick limber strake next the limbers 2011-03-05: deadwood knee, disposition of the frames 2011-03-08: disposition of the square frames The 3D build began from this point!
  14. Let's get started! 2011-02-09: keel, false keel, perpendiculars, cutting down line, lower deck, upper deck, stem post, stern post, stern counters, stern timbers 2011-02-10: toptimber line, top side lines, water lines, forecastle, quarter deck 2011-02-12: lower breadth line, upper breadth line, main wale, sheer rail, waste rail, drift rail, fife rail 2011-02-15: gun ports 2011-02-17: channels, deadeyes 2011-02-18: planking above the load water line, platforms, knee of the head, ladder, fenders, chestree 2011-02-19: lower cheek, upper cheek 2011-02-20: head rails, head timbers, cathead 2011-02-21: taffrail, quarter gallery 2011-02-22: rudder 2011-02-24: gun port lids, sweep ports, scuppers, hammock cranes, swivel guns. The taffrail and the quarter gallery were modified.
  15. Hello, This is my 3D build log for HMS Pandora. The build was started in February 2011, and it is still in progress. The primary references include the Anatomy of the Ship: The 24-gun Frigate Pandora (the plans), The Shipbuilder's Repository (it contains the dimensions and the scantlings of HMS Porcupine, which is of the same class as the Pandora), and the “Swan” Series. Many other books and online resources are also referred to. I began with drafting a 2D drawing of the ship, and then I imported different parts of the 2D drawing into Solidworks to guide the 3D building process. In the following posts I will post the screenshots I captured during the build and briefly describe what is new in each figure. Jingyang
  16. Thanks, SketchupModeller. I will try to start the log in the next few days
  17. Very interesting to me - I am working on a 3D model of the Pandora, too!
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