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About Sapphire

  • Birthday 04/21/1956

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  • Location
    Coffs Harbour , Australia
  • Interests
    Navigation, early Australian navigators. Exploring the Australian coastline

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  1. Capt Steve...if we could just back up a bit to the rudder hardwear. Bit of a novice and im up to the part of making the gudgeon and pintle out of the flat bar provided...my question is what did you use for the round bit and the pin..as these not supplied. Thanks
  2. Im currently building Launch Bounty and wishing to stick to the kit instructions ( as its my first) ,however im struggling to locate a supplier of the paints and oils mentioned. Anyone know a good supplier , preferable on line as i live in regional NSW
  3. Thanks all..... Problem solved , another sale fir Bunnings
  4. Have planked a boat and need to fill some areas. Is this a special product or just normal filler from a hardware store. Any suggestions of a good product
  5. Thanks Keith, Your not wrong about the web site.... But have made an enquire
  6. Thanks guys. As usual both kits have good and bad points it seems . KeithW: did you get your kit from the US . Can you remember the freight costs. I notice the Modellers Shipyard in Australia has the OcCre model Decisions decisions
  7. Can anyone help we with where I could get a kit of the Launch Bounty. There seem to be several being done in kit builds but no info of where they can be obtained and the pros and cons of the different kits . Thanks
  8. Yes.... I'd love to have a look at the maps included........I have a bit of a fetish for an early map..
  9. Hi, your friend may have been touched up handing over $600. It's $40 from Boat Books, refer link attached. Unless we are talking about two different books. http://www.boatbooks-aust.com.au/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=King+of+the+Australian+Coast&x=-950&y=-9
  10. Oliver, I came across this site following a google search on the Mermaid, which in turn lead me to your build blog. Over the past 5 or 6 years I have spend a lot of time travelling the Australian coast especially the from Morton Bay to TI , the Kimberly's and Tasmania. For those who have spent time in those waters know the dangers that exist . This lead me to study the early explorers and those who charted these waters. The one who stood head and shoulders above all was Phillip Parker King....the mans a legend. If you haven't read the book " King of the Australian Coast" then I recommend that all should. Anyway....... As I said this lead me to researching his boat... Mermaid. I learnt more from your build log than any other resource.... Thank you. It has even inspired me to get the kit and give it a crack.
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