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About Modelman

  • Birthday 07/08/1970

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  • Location
    Turku, Finland

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  1. Hi Gil, Thanks for being modest, but I think your blog is superior and sufficient... Actually, at the beginning of the process I was planning a blog, but there seemed to be so many of those on the net already. Later I have also 'lost' most of the photographs, so it wouldn't be a proper blog anyway... But please, keep up the fantastic work!
  2. After four years my model is ready, or at least I think so...I'm usually a very critical person, but I'm happy with the end result. Of course, no one can compete with the details you have added and the tools you use make me feel I need a heart operation. But good scirrors are always hard to replace...I can't read your blog any more, because all the details you will do later, for exampe with the ships boats, make me feel like a bad person.
  3. Well Gil, it's a small world after all. A few hours after you left Helsinki Finland you probably passed my hometown. Sorry for repeating myself, but thanks for the great pictures!
  4. Welcome back Gil! I wish to thank you for the great pictures concentrated on the standing rigging and so on! The original plans are great, but still your pictures gave a great deal of help to me with my own model. And what about the running rigging? Likewise! And still I'm not at the level you are, honestly. Thank you so much and all the best for you and your family and friends!
  5. What a professional...I finished my Jotika Victory yards last June, and then I decided to make the boats. I have not even started the rigging yet. But, I could rig the cannons somewhat satisfactory.. so maybe I'll succeed. And Gil has given (a) great guidance, thank You!
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