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About Reindeer

  • Birthday 07/26/1966

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    Brookings, OR
  • Interests
    Modelling of all forms, automotive, computers, cooking.

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  1. Yes, thank you for the link to the Bluenose history page! Its already answered a few questions that I had.
  2. OK, here we go! 10/14/14 Kit arrived. Unfortunately due to a heavy day only got as far as the unboxing. Did have a chance to pick up a 32" x 12" pane of glass from Home Depot for a whopping $7.50 which I will be using as my building surface. Reason for this is that glass is naturally a very flat surface, and as such will be critical to laying the keel and otherwise helping me to keep things square during the initial stages. 10/15/14 Performed inventory of parts, everything seems to be there. However, at least for now I'm kind of taking their word for it that all the blocks and pulleys are there as I'm still getting things together and don't want to risk having a zillion little parts wandering around! LOL! Also rolled plans in an attempt to smooth out the creases. Also thinking about any shops locally that can handle large format copies and having another set of prints run. Purpose is so I can cut them and mark them up as I see fit without ruining the originals. Side note: Already have a tiny coffee stain on one of the sheets... I'm taking this to be a good omen! LOL! Otherwise I'm going to take a couple of days at the very least and spend time absorbing the plans and instruction manual. I can also see I'm going to need to get some other supplies as well. On that note, will be replacing the kit flag... the Canadian Maple Leaf didn't come into existence until 1965, long after the Bluenose was sold off. Question is, do I go after the Red Ensign or the Blue Ensign? The Blue Ensign was used for the Canadian Navy, while the Red Ensign was used on land and for commercial shipping. HOWEVER I did see a passage online to the effect that the Blue Ensign was authorized for use with yacht clubs of which the Bluenose might fall under due to it's participation as a racing vessel. Pictures coming soon!
  3. Yes, I'm just getting started on building a copy of the Model Shipways Bluenose. Interesting point you raise though... the pictures I am currently using for reference is of the Bluenose II during the recent reconstruction. While I realize that the BN II is supposed to be a replica of the original, I admittedly hadn't given much consideration that the composition of the paint itself would have changed that much. That would indeed make a difference as well. Thank you! :-)
  4. Good morning! Thank you for posting that link... I'm going to spend some time watching it this morning. Definitely appears to be some good stuff there. I've tried working with acrylics in the past and haven't had much success with them which is probably why I've stuck with enamels. LOL! However as this is new territory for me (wooden ship models) hopefully will learn to work past my limitations here! Again thank you!
  5. Question: Does anybody have a picture of of their model with the hull painted with Model Shipways "Hull Bottom Copper Red"? Reason I ask is that I just purchased the paint set to go with my Bluenose kit. However, after looking at the sample on the page for that specific paint, and the color of the paint on the actual Bluenose hull, the color seems way off. However, Model Shipways also has it listed as Venetian Red, which going by generic samples on the internet look like it might work? Also, why does Model Shipways claim that their acrylic paints are ideal for airbrush use, but then put a disclaimer immediately below the description claiming that their paints are not compatible with airbrush use? Here is a copy + paste of the paint description: "High quality acrylic based paints can be thinned with water, thinner or alcohol. They clean up easily with water, making them ideal for airbrush use. Brushed or sprayed, paints dry flat with good grain structure and a smooth finish. 1 oz. bottles. Note: color swatch you see will vary due to computer monitor/calibration differences and the fact that the computer screen is RGB. Color description at top will give you the best idea of the exact color. Model Shipways paints are not compatible with airbrushes." Just slightly confused here! LOL!
  6. Model Shipways Bluenose Build Log 10-02-14 Hello everyone! Once again wanted to say thanks for the very warm greetings and overall wonderful site! I've seen numerous comments about doing a build log for help and encouragement, and that seems like a great idea, so here we go! :-) This is my first attempt with building a wooden ship model. With what research I have done, this seems like as good a choice as any. Aside from the ship generally being a pleasing design (at least in my eye! LOL!) there is also a wealth of resources and information available. The original Bluenose was built just a few years before my parents were born, and with the recent rebuilding and rechristening of the Bluenose II, it certainly is a subject that is very current. The ship does hold historical significance, and I suspect it has had a MAJOR influence on modern yacht racing. The reasons in particular for going with the Model Shipways version is: 1. Cost. Model Expo is currently offering a 40% discount on the kit (Code EM40), and the price dropped by $20 this morning, so I was able to purchase the model for $104, and had enough left over for the paints and a fresh set of chisels. 2. Scale. The fact that this model is in 1:64 (S-Scale) is a nice size to work with, and should make obtaining accessories like crew members not too difficult. 3. Wealth of build information. Gary Brinker over on YouTube (That is his channel name BTW) is doing a detailed build log of his model, and thus far has done a wonderful job showing both his progress and the issues with this kit. Also there are any number of other build logs, practicums, and pictures to work with. 4. Instructions and plans. Again from the comments I have read elsewhere, this model seems to be the best of the bunch in this regard. For a first time out, my opinion is this would be critical. 5. Accuracy. I actually was looking at the Latina version of the Bluenose II initially, and while it does make a nice looking model (especially with all the brass parts!), I have to agree that it has quite a few differences from the actual Bluenose II. Can't speak for the Billings kit in that regard, but again considering the MS version cost less than half, it made the choice there pretty obvious. So where am I at this point? OK, the kit has been ordered as of this morning, and I should have all the tools necessary for the build (Although I thought it would be a good idea to get a fresh set of chisels while I was at it), so all I need now is glue! LOL! Otherwise I have been gathering resources and looking through them, and thinking ahead on how I want to approach this project. Looking at the way the hull goes together, it doesn't look radically different from building up a wing for an R/C airplane (which I have done a few times). Admittedly the planking aspect has me a little intimidated, but hopefully it's just a matter of working slowly and carefully. :-) Anyway, here are the resources I have been able to find online: First, the MS Bluenose instruction manual http://www.historicships.com/TALLSHIPS/Model%20Shipways/Bluenose%20MS2130/Bluenose%20ms2130%20Manual.pdf Gene Bodnar's practicum on modeling the Bluenose I http://modelshipbuilder.com/e107_images/custom/msbimages/eisnor/bn-1-4/Bluenose%20Practicum%20Standard.pdf Another series of articles on modeling the Bluenose. http://modelboatyard.com/Bluenose2_Articles/ Robert E. Hunt's practicum... This only goes as far as the bulkhead assembly. Obviously he's looking for the modeler to purchase the rest of the document. Still a lot of useful information here! http://www.lauckstreetshipyard.com/PDF/bluenose_sample.pdf Photo journal of the actual construction of the Bluenose II. While I realize that there are differences between that and the original craft, the BN II was intended to be a reproduction, and I'm ASSUMING that the base construction/planking is going to remain essentially the same. http://www.mdphoto.ca/photos--mark-doucette.html Boating 101... useful for learning some of the basic parts of the ship! http://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/beginner.htm I've also managed to obtain copies of the following books: 1. Rigging Period Ship Models - Lannart Petersson 2. Planking Model Ships - Richard Mansir 3. Ship Modeling Simplified - F. Mastini 4. Ship Modeling Hints and Tips - Jason Craine 5. The Ship Model Builders Assistant - Charles G. Davis Finally Gary Brinker's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPSQwZrSrxoIlsdUGhSipeA So that's about where things stand. All I can do now is wait for the kit to arrive!
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