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  1. This is what I am working on. The hardware is tricky as there are no sources to glean from. Its a guessing game sometimes...
  2. It's hard to figure out... Could the hoops have matching ears welded to them that would then be bolted to the bands?
  3. Anyone have any thoughts on how the crow's nest on Aurora was attached to the main mast? I have a great photo but I have not been able to figure it out. I need to create a cad drawing of this attachment. Thanks in advance!
  4. That's awesome! I will have enough info to make this happen. Thanks to cwboland and Tallshiptragic. Wow! Are we not blessed in these times...answers from Canada and Australia relayed to San Diego in a blink.
  5. No...that was the other part -the pudding spar. The outline is of the attachment to the straps that criss-cross the boat. Its the low resolution that make this hard to see. I think the white part on the end is a 2 purchase block. How was the rest of it is made is the question. Is it just a thick rope with an eye in the end?
  6. Hi, Anyone know what this is? I need a reference photo of how this "strap and block thing" is put together. I know I am showing off my landlubber roots!
  7. Tadeusz, Thanks! I think these will do the job. Now onto the Blender 3d to figure out how to recreate it.
  8. Thanks for that link. I found a great pic of the Georg Stage that is high enough resolution to see clearly. Awesome!
  9. Any thoughts on the attachment of the strong back to the radial davits on the Endurance? This was the ship Shackleton used for the 1914 Antarctic expedition. Is it only lashed to the davit or is there a mechanical attachment? I can't make it out. I have a pic attached showing the area. Thanks, Terry PS Posted this in General Kit discussion in an old thread. Thought it may get an answer here. Thanks
  10. OK, I have a question... On the Endurance the lifeboats were kept on radial davits. The strongback or pudding spar spanned the distance between. Does anyone know how it was attached to the davits? The closest pic I've found does not clearly define the method. Was it lashed or hung mechanically?
  11. Found out from Chuck at NRG about these plans I was sent... The general consensus is that we could NOT post those plans. The copyright is valid and they are not original drafts. These were drawn much later. They are not 100 years old. They were actually drawn in the 50's and are based on the original drafts but are not the original drafts at all. The y were drawn as model makers plans. Thanks for the opportunity though. Well, that sums it up. ​The plans can't be posted. Terry
  12. Found that site and have been using those for reference. Still waiting on the answer from NRG's staff on my posting of the construction plans for the Endurance/Polaris. Copyright issues may prevent it since they came from a museum in Norway.
  13. Everest, Great explanation. So the shroud has a big enough eye to slip over the mast. I never would have known that. I have looked all over the internet to try to figure it out. Thanks! I am building the Endurance in 3D with sketchup so I will add the eye to the rope.
  14. I posted this in the kit build section and wanted to put it in the right forum area. The attached image shows the shrouds attached to the mizzen mast but there is not enough detail to see how they are fitted. Are they lashed or mechanically attached to the mast? Any help would be great
  15. I will check it out. As the technology matures it's going to be cool to see what can be done
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