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Status Updates posted by vossy

  1. hey kurt, is there anyway I can get a copy of the 6 page article you wrote for the construction of the Chaperon?

    pretty sure santa is bringing this kit and I would love to read your article.






    1. kurtvd19


      It wasn't a 6 page article it was a series of six articles spread over  a year's worth of issues.
      I will take the text from the articles and compile it into a PDF for you.  However, this will not provide all of the photographs that were used in the article. But it will give you all of the issues I found and some work arounds and tips. As you get into the build and have a question check the build logs on MSW and if that doesn't clear it up maybe I can send a photo or explanation.
      I need you to send me your email so I can send it direct to you - as it's not going to fit into the message size here.  I don't want to list my email here though it is quite public - go to the NRG's web site (link on top of the MSW home page) and click on "About the NRG" and at the bottom of the page is a link to each of our names - click on mine and send your email to me.
      I will send the pdf tomorrow - bedtime right now.
      Take care,
    2. vossy


      hey thanks kurt. don't know if that worked or not? but my email is - nielsenchris93@gmail.com


      thanks so much for your help.




  2. Happy Birthday Pat. Hope you have a great day.





    1. BANYAN


      Thanks Vossy, appreciate the thoughts - a couple of 'frothies' suitably enjoyed :)





  3. Happy Birthday Sir. You inspired to build riverboats! Have a great day.




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