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  1. kurtvd19's post in Scalpel handles... was marked as the answer   
    These handles are much better regarding comfort.  They are available from several sources UMM-USA.com -  put "Scalpel" into the search box and hit "enter" - blades and handles will come up.  Scroll down a bit.  Metal handle is about $8 and the plastic type is $5.   I much prefer the metal handle as it is a better fir to my big hands.  There are many tools here and John's prices are very good and he's a small business.
    Amazon is another source.

  2. kurtvd19's post in How to remove adhesive sanding sheets on Byrnes rotary sander was marked as the answer   
    I use acetone.  Get a bit undone and using a pipette or eyedropper put some acetone between the sandpaper and the disc.  Keep adding the acetone as you peel the sandpaper off.  If it's real hard to get the separation started apply some acetone the the top of the disc/sandpaper joint and let it work for a bit and you should be able to get the job started.  You don't need a lot of acetone but apply it as you strip off the sandpaper right where the sandpaper is still stuck to the disc.
    Good luck.
  3. kurtvd19's post in Guidelines query was marked as the answer   
    CAF is legitimate.  They are a MSW Sponsor/Advertiser.  Check the right hand column of the home page.
  4. kurtvd19's post in "Work bench" feed back please was marked as the answer   
    I think I would have great difficulty working between the walls of the work area on anything bigger than a few inches long.  There is barely room for my two hands between the walls let alone a model of any size.  Think about the attitude of your hands when working on a model - I doubt they are at a right angle to your arm - not much room for a model.
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