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Everything posted by gobi71

  1. small progress on upperdeck , and gunwale.
  2. as i said , interior red-white . it is, in fact, the presentation.
  3. i used masks and airbrush . acrilic paints , dgbot . thank you .
  4. I started to paint the port side. the interior will also be coated. red and white.
  5. correct , the pencil is huge. and also office ...
  6. model remains as seen, no file starboard, port side cover, buntzi.
  7. the port side will be covered completely, both inside and outside.will also be painted in the colors of the era.
  8. the keel and keelson were designed from the start for that.two halves glued together with newsprint paper. When everything was ready, we just separated with fretwork.the frames were easy to cut.
  9. first the hull was one piece , then split it in two half , so I could work inside.now it's like a puzzle , all pieces can be assembled or disassembled as y need.
  10. I hope I understood well.Watch , the best is yet to come.
  11. sorry for delay jan. yes , cannon are resin cast. some work at starboard.
  12. thank tarbrush , but is no magic here... only skill.
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