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Everything posted by norm1116

  1. This is going to be an interesting build log. jbelwood started his Portland a few years back, and it is in dry dock. I just started mine. His build to date looks spectacular, and I am going to be in serious need of all his experience so my kit will look as good as his. So this log will be a 2-fer. with luck, there will be a ton of photos for future builders. Please be sure to post any comments/requests/thoughts/feedback/help. I'm going to need it.
  2. Portland by jbelwood and norm1116 - BlueJacket Kits Pre-laser kit purchased 1996 The 2019 Kit This is the order of construction per the BlueJacket manual. The Hull Priming by John Painting by John Partial deck mock up Paddle Wheels By John By Norm Paddle Wheel Boxes By Norm Walking Beam By Norm Sponsons By John and Clarence By Norm Keel, Stem, Stern post Rudder Waterline by John by Norm Cabin Profiles and Decks Main deck to saloon deck Cabin Sheathing and Paneling Rub Rails Trim Moldings Saloon Deck Hurricane Deck and Officer's Cabins Pilothouse Hurricane Deck Skylight By John There are 3 posts on the skylight! Deck Fittings Davits and Vents Masts and Gaffs Stanchions and Railings Paddle Box Fronts Installation of Paddle Wheels Rigging Final Details Other: Walking beam at Annapolis Naval Academy Museum Other Annapolis Naval Academy Museum photos
  3. All, In this post I made a comment that I did not feel I could make accurate profiles using the plans that came with the 2019 kit. I used the plans from the 1996 kit to make stem, stern, and 5 or 6 station profiles. I compared them to the plans that came with the 2019 kit, and they are visibly the same. I should have checked these items before making my comment about them. I still have issues with the plans not matching the laser cut parts, but I can work around that. I made a mistake and do not want anyone to miss out on building this ship based on that comment.
  4. RFP, I will probably start a new build log. I'm reading up on using an index. Never did this before. One of my big issues is I get so into the work, I forget to take a photo or two. I'm going to leave the camera out, so I hope I get it all. The 2nd issue is you will get to watch me screw "something" up eventually.... jbelwood, I think I'm doing OK with the center line on the hull, but it could also be my first "screw up" mentioned earlier, hehe.. I never even thought about a camber. I have it. It fluctuates both ways over the length of the hull. I'll pull out the sander and take care of it. It will be easier to take care of it now than to fix things later on. I will get with you on the sponsons, thanks! Other than the hull, did you plan on using anything from the older kit on new model? This is what I did this year. Another kit in the closet for 20 years.
  5. Hi, This is what was concerning me about the Portland plans. The 3 sheets seemed to be short 1/2 to 1 inch. The photo shows the main deck set on the plans with the bow and stern ends in their correct location. You can see an overlap in the 1/2" range. This happens on the lines sheet and the one showing the main deck. The 2 pieces that make up the main deck is a combined 36.5" long. I was told that the master mylars measure the deck at 36" plus or minus a 16th. So I'm thinking "What do I do with that extra half inch? In an email, It was recommended that I "Believe the laser cut parts, and use the plans for general reference". I may have mis-perceived what I heard, but I got the impression that the plans were considered "close enough". The issue is there is no way to say which measurement is correct. Is the deck supposed to be 36" per the mylars they use to print plans? Or is it 36.5" per the laser cut parts. I may be over analyzing this, and welcome any and all opinion of the subject, but if the 2019 kit was all I had right now, I would have returned this kit even with the 20% restocking fee. I contacted their pro, Charlie Cook, and his enthusiasm about the Portland made me change my mind. I'm going to build this model. So, I pulled out the plans that came with the kit I purchased in 1996. I laid the 2019 main deck on the plans, and guess what. Exactly 36.5". There are big differences between the 2 kits, but I can use the lines from the older kit to work the hull, then I should be in good shape to continue on. I'd be interested to hear from other Portland builders if they had issues with the plans, or if I'm just blowing this out of proportion. Either way, I'm going to start this soon. Update: I used the plans from the 1996 kit to make stem, stern, and 5 or 6 station profiles. I compared them to the plans that came with the 2019 kit, and they are visibly the same. I should have checked these items before making my comment about them. I still have issues with the plans not matching the laser cut parts, but I can work around that.
  6. jbelwood, Thanks for the video. I remember reading about this back when the ship was located. That must have been one heck of an operation adding that .5" to the hull. I would have ruined everything trying to do that! I made all my measurements today and sent an email to BlueJacket to get their opinion on my findings. I'll do an update after I hear from them.
  7. jbelwood Thanks for that photo. I have not had a chance to really check everything out yet, but it seems like the new hull is .5" longer than what is on the plans. I want to check out a few additional items so I can wrap my head around this before I ruin something. Between you and BlueJacket, I'm sure I can get off on the right foot. Your Portland looks really nice. I'm hoping mine comes out close to that. I would LOVE to see the photo with the 1/2 inch addition!
  8. RFP, I have both kits, the pre-laser and the one I received on Memorial Day. I have had 4 questions answered by BlueJacket. I'm planning on comparing the 2 sets of blueprints as well as the 2 hulls. I'm concerned about a couple of the actual measurements and the blue prints. I'm not saying their plans are off, I'm saying I can't get my head around a couple of things. I'll call them and figure it out. I took pictures of the 1995-6 kit contents, as well as the new one. Really good stuff. After 20+ years in storage, the old kit still looks brand new and ready to go.
  9. The Post Office delivered my Portland today on Memorial Day! The box is HUGE, nowhere near as small as the first kit I bought. I emailed Bluejacket to ask what the differences were between the pre-laser kit and the one I received today. Since the original kit is still in near original condition (+/- age issues), it might be fun to take photos of both for comparisons. Can anyone tell me why I have issues viewing Jim Finan's site? I get "Sorry, this content isn't available right now". https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152720184325928.1073741831.593315927&type=1&l=8d5b89f0c5 Thanks!!!
  10. My kit is arriving on the 28th. I'm looking forward to this build. Looking at the photo jbelwood provided, I'm amazed at how crisp (is that the correct description?) that model looks. I can only hope that mine comes out somewhere near that nice. My stepson started this model around 20 years ago, and did not get far. I still have that kit, but purchased the new one because of the laser cut parts. I tried to view the facebook page that was linked above, but get the "Sorry, this content isn't available right now" page. Wish me luck!
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