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  1. I started building mine, will start posting photos shortly on my return from a trip abroad. The kit is very good, wood and fittings of high quality. However, I will do a heavy kit-bashing. The hull is single planked, so decided to make it double. I have a good stock of 2x5mm surplus basswood strips that used for the first planking and will start with the second layer on my return.
  2. Hey Runner! just received my kit, will hopefull start building very soon, in the meantime cannot see your fotos, please keep us posted on your progress, I will try to send photos of mine soon!
  3. keep sending photos, you are doing a very good job, Lecsandro!!
  4. also suggest - since you still have time - to add deck details like treenailing the deck planks, more or less like this
  5. Lecsandro, Suggest that, before placing anything over the deck planks, you sand very carefully and either use Swedish oil or dull shellac to protect the planks. See some of the planks are contaminated with glue. you will need to sand to achieve a color similar in all the planks otherwise it will be very difficult to do this after you put more details on top. Lecsandro, veja que ha marcas de cola por cima de algumas madeiras no deck. A sugestao e, antes de voce colocar qualquier elemento sobre as placas de madeira, da uma lixada geral para equalizar as cores, da uma demao de verniz mate e somente depois continua, do contrario sera muito dificil emparelhar as cores apos.
  6. Gents, was writting an answer when we had a blackout so not sure if my previous went thru or not.. just in case... I am building a Constructo Victory in Sao Paulo, Brazil, hopefully will post some photos shortly. Constructo is the worst kit in the market. Instructions unclear, missing and incomplete. the kit iself is bad, it does not cover (or have fittings), for cannons rigging, gunhole doors are horrible metal parts, no rigging instructions and other. other brands, specially Jotika, are of higher quality and complete. I did a heavy kit-bashing in my model, so it ressembles (more or less), the original. in any case, what you see in Lecsandro's photos is not the manual. It is a small booklet with some construction photos. There is a separate booklet with the (so-called) step-by-step instructions - no pictures - and a list of materials, in English, Spanish and Portuguese. If you still need some photos, will try to post. Lecsandro, you are doing great!, Parabens Lecsandro!
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