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  1. Good morning, 


    I have read your tutorial concerning proportional dividers at least a dozen times.  1.  When on some models, there will be a curve to the deck that will cause the center of the deck to be lower than the ends.  How do I handle this?


    2.  Should I ignore deadwood areas?  Is there a way to handle this situation?


    Thank-you for taking the time to help out.



    1. mikiek


      Hello Chuck - I use the dividers for hull planking. If you are fortunate enough to get a hull plan with your kit (I assume you are a kit builder) there should be some bands drawn out. Most builds will have from 3 - 8 bands. If you can get the bands marked on your frame edges there is a lot less work involved.


      If you have to figure out bands on your own - and I do recommend using them - it's a different matter. Some measuring and calculating you will have to do. If you need info on that let me know.


      You are correct mentioning curvature on the frames. Dividers were intended mainly for working on flat surfaces. What that means is you may end up with a little extra space to fill with planks. It's an acceptable margin of error to me. For instance on my current build I had somewhere between 1/32" and 1/16". 


      The good news is if you remeasure your remaining space (with the divs) in the band after each strake it will usually correct itself. But that is the key. After each strake is laid and before you start the next one, remeasure the remaining space on the band on each frame. The dividers will adjust accordingly.


      As far as deadwood, if there is a band on it then yes you can use the dividers on it. The only time that gets messy is when your band has both deadwood and part of a frame in it. But even there the principle is the same.


      One last thing. You can always recalculate your bands even in the middle of planking. For instance on my current build I started with 4 bands. I laid the garboard and the 2 strakes above that first off. This filled the bottom band about half way. Then I moved to the upper bands. I did the top one and the  one under that. I think some of that curvature hit me as the last strake in the 2nd band did not quite hit the band marks. I was off by that 1/32". At that point I decided to combine the remaining space and call it 1 band. Of course I had to recalculate how many strakes in the band but the calculation worked out. Today I laid the last 2 strakes and they both fit perfectly.


      Hope that helps.....

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