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Everything posted by tennfox

  1. Thanks OC... ive been studying your build a lot since you have a lot of great pictures to go by.. I did notice that towards the end the pictures dont show, only dead links. Im still sanding and building on the BHs im finding more spots that are flat, too round, and just bad. Thanks for all the help, it is EXTREMELY appreciated.
  2. Im very new to the ship building lingo, Could you explaint "knee of the head"?
  3. Thanks! I checked the planking and I may have 1mm -1.5mm of space between the keep and the bottom of the bH when planked. a bit of the plywood shows. Not sure how to deal with that yet....
  4. Been working on building up the bulk heads. They are all kind of wonky. How are these looking.? I think I have the length/drop close.
  5. thanks brother. I was going by oldcollingsworth image of his build. So I should build up the bulkheads down to the bottom like this picture? Is his line correct enough to mirror for mine? I worried that if i try to build them all up to the false keel then Ill mess up the "line" especially on 11-12 since its so thin. Thanks for the encouragement!!!
  6. It does appear I have to cut the keel off and plane the plywood down and reattach the keel. The first image is the first and second plank material on the bulk heads. I believe I need to plane down to the pencil line. Should that line go straight line the original or does it need to sweep up.? Man this kit is a challenge. Lucky its wood, you can always glue sand and fill, then redo...
  7. Looking at old collingsworths hull, it looks like mine needs to be cut down. The added strip at the bottom seems to be the end of the bulk heads. Am I seeing that right? Should the keel sweep up at the bow and stem or remain straight across? That was step one in the book. No mention of the correct bearding line location at all
  8. Nope nothing in the plans, are we surprised? I shaped some more, I think 12 needs to come up a couple mms. Is this what you were taking about?
  9. Bout 3 or 4 mms. 11 is flush with the hull on top. Should it not be? I thought they were supposed to be flush for the deck to be on the bulk heads and hull. If I lower them down that will screw up the top of the bulk heads, or will they be cut down, later?
  10. I've shimmed up 9 and 10 and it doesn't look enough. Should they touch the bottom line?
  11. Alrighty. Just finished mommas project of replacing all the doors in the house, now I can get back to working. I've been talking with @Srenner about the evil 9 and 10 bulk heads. I'm using his templates to build up the originals. Thanks buddy, you're awesome. I've started gluing the bulk heads. To ensure they are square I'm wood gluing the bulk heads to the hull and .ca gluing blocks to keep them square. Came upon a useful trick. I'm using air gun nails as a square. They are square enough and I can remove as many rows as I need to fit between the bulk heads. I plan to use balsa wood as fillers between some of the bulk heads so I can get the proper lay of the planks, mostly for the dreaded 9 and 10. Any and all tips and critiques are encouraged. Thanks all
  12. Alrighty. Just finished mommas project of replacing all the doors in the house, now I can get back to working. I've been talking with @Srenner about the evil 9 and 10 bulk heads. I'm using his templates to build up the originals. Thanks buddy, you're awesome. I've started gluing the bulk heads. To ensure they are square I'm wood gluing the bulk heads to the hull and .ca gluing blocks to keep them square. Came upon a useful trick. I'm using air gun nails as a square. They are square enough and I can remove as many rows as I need to fit between the bulk heads. I plan to use balsa wood as fillers between some of the bulk heads so I can get the proper lay of the planks, mostly for the dreaded 9 and 10. Any and all tips and critiques are encouraged. Thanks all
  13. I've been studying both of y'alls builds. That's exactly why I'm going slow. I've asked @Srenner for help and he's most graciously sending cad files on the correct size for hulls 9 and 10. I just found this site, but it's the best community I've been apart of. Thank you all for that.
  14. after reading the instruction book, I have a few questions. The book says that the model is too small to have sails out. The kit comes with sail plans, but no cloth. Has anyone put sails on their build? can you share some photos? I also noticed pretty quickly that the bulkheads are NOT symmetrical. I have gone thru and marked the side that was larger so when it came to shaping I would only take of from that side. Am I thinking right? and did anyone else find this worked better for you? any tips? Hamilton has already put me onto bulkhead 9 and 10... @homer @hamilton Please feel free to chime in on what I need to do to prepare for the next steps. Im not looking for this to be a learning project as much as a conversion. My first kit was an Artesenia Latina Bark Endeavor and I see I was SPOILED. this kit is bare compared to the other, but i only have it because it matches Great Grandpas ship. So the stearn will be reworked and the sails will be added, even if rolled up. I would appreciate hints on thread size, and other things that need to be upgraded. I may have to hand carve stuff to convert her to the Protector, but if I can see it, I can do it. Thanks for the help.
  15. It has begun.. every single frame and keel slot needs to be fitted. let the good times roll.
  16. Yes it is... I believe. The records are sketchy, but Im going off what I can find. According to Hamilton, Im gonna have use other resources to finish her. Which could be good in this case. Since the instructions are so bad, Ill have to go by other writings. and images of similar ships. There are paintings of the Hassar, but that was after they converted her to a 28 gun frigate under british ownership.
  17. Hello Everyone. I'm starting The HMS Greyhound. Although, I will be converting her to the 1779 USS Protector. I've already communicated with Hamilton about the challenges of this endeavor. I will most certainly be buying him a drink before, during and after the build. A little background and explanation before I start so I get my intentions across. I have an ancestor, one Ebenezer Fox. Said ancestor was alive and galivanting during the Revolutionary War. Great Great Grandpa Ebenezer wrote a book called the Revolutionary Adventures of Ebenezer Fox. I attached a pdf version. Young Ebenezer ran away from home and got aboard a US Navy Ship, The Protector. He was present during its notable win against The DUFF. He was also aboard during the battle with the Roebuck and Medea where it was captured by the British and renamed the HMS Hassar. My plan is to convert this ship into The Protector. My ancestor states that it was a 20 gun frigate, but other accounts has her listed as a 24-28 gunner. I'm choosing to go by Great Grandpas description. I plan to add sails, this kit has a sail plan, but no sails. First question is are the sail templates actual size? and is there enough wood for planking? the one package looks small. My last kit was the 1768 Bark Endeavor by Artensia Latina and It had TONS of material. I know I'm going to have to order more "parts". I would appreciate assistance with a shopping list for those who have done this kit and discovered the wrong size parts. Im still in the planning stages and making sure everything is accounted for. The pictures below are what I received. I will post again once I begin, after the honey do's are competed. Thank you all in advance. adventures of ebeneezer foxe.pdf
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