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felix nadeau

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  1. Hello, I'm at my second project after the Bluenose, I'm attacking the Bounty

    If you have any advice, I'll take everything that helps me progress

    If someone is to build the same, I would like him to advise me if there are any mistakes or things to share with me

    P.s. My friend Pierre is also doing it 200 km from my house, we will share our knowledge to make this model









    1. Paul Le Wol

      Paul Le Wol

      Hi Felix, welcome to MSW. When you start a build log, click on “ create” at the top of the page. In the drop down menu you will see “ Status “ and “Topic” . Choose Topic instead of Status. Then select Forum. Choose Build logs for ship model kits by era. In this case you wil choose Kit build logs for subjects built from 1751- 1800. Then give your build log a title. Name of Ship/ Your Name/ Kit Manufacturer/ Scale. When you use Status to make a post any replies you receive will not bump your post to the top of the page. Good luck with your Bounty.

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