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Everything posted by ronv

  1. Thanks Russ. Would it be appropriate to paint? I've looked through several "Swift" builds and I don't think I've seen anyone paint the lower hull. I have spent the last couple of hours sanding the deck. I'm about half way. Whatever I put on there 25 years ago is really hard to get off. I am including another pic of the forward part of the deck. As you see, the most forward part of the bulwarks is a mess. I don't know if it separated over the years or if I left it like that. There is no way to pull it back together. It would destroy the hull, so I'm going to have to hide or cover it up some way on both the inside and out. The waterways are also a mess. There is a gap between the waterway and the bulkwark that needs to be filled with something. This is turning into more than I at first anticipated. Originally I planned to clean it up a little, re-rig using the Petersson book as a guide and add sails. But so far, I am enjoying it. I guess that's all that matters.
  2. I have disassembled swift and started cleaning. The hull planking is damaged to the point that I am considering paint. The plans for the model are long gone so I have nothing to reference for location of the waterline. The attached picture is an "eyeball" attempt. What do you think?
  3. Russ, with a better pic you could really see how much TLC it needs. Here is one more with a little more light. I'm now going to start taking Swift apart. Could someone help me find some detail shots of a pilot boat from this era, or maybe a build log of someone that has improved this kit?
  4. Hey, it worked... I can see now that learning to take photos needs to be added to my list of goals. I think I need more light.
  5. Thanks Bart. I am now going to attempt to add a picture of Swift as it is now,
  6. Thanks Bart. I'm now going to attempt to add a picture of Swift the way it looks now.
  7. This is my first build log of any type on any forum so I am a little intimidated. Plus I am an old guy and the technology age has passed me by. I have been modeling for many-many years but am still not very good at it. I have three goals in mind. First - I hope, with a log, I might be encouraged to actually finish something. Second - I am sure I can learn a great deal of modeling from you all. Third - To learn the technology... I am going to attempt to upload my first ever picture in my next post. A little background on my build. I built AL Swift about 25 years ago. I intend to remove the rigging, try to get all the dust off, refinish, add detail and redo the rigging with sails. I have ordered the Petersson book "Rigging Period Fore-And-Aft Craft. I already have his other book. I really don't know what details can be added or even what an early 19th century pilot boat should look like. I am going to start by searching this forum for ideas. I'm sure I'm not the first person to want to improve this old kit.
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