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Ian McLaughlan

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About Ian McLaughlan

  • Birthday 09/08/1940

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    Salisbury, England
  • Interests
    I am the author of 'The Sloop of War 1650 - 1763 published by Seaforth UK and a model maker at the scale of 1:144. My current theme for model making is The American Schooner however my plan for the future is to move to a scale of 1:96 and concentrate on modelling some of the sloops of war mentioned in my book, the first of which will, un-usually, be a card model of H.M.Sloop Wolf of 1754. Apart form this, which is a kit model, my models are all scratch built. There is also the possibility of taking the work on 'The Sloop of War' forward to 1815 but for this I need support from the USA and France. I am still searching!

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  1. Hello Ian,

    I am a fairly new member here myself, hailing from the Canadian prairies which is about as far from salt water as you can get!

    I have been asked by the Royal Canadian Navy to look into conservation and repair of their model of the Hudson Bay Company ketch 'Nonsuch', which is housed at Edmonton's stone frigate H.M.C.S. Nonsuch. 

    I am searching for the provenance of the model, all that is known is that it was presented to the Navy in 1993 by the members of the Alberta Ship Model Association. 

    That Association is no longer active and I fear most of their members are no longer with us. 

    I understand there is a picture of Nonsuch on page 54 of your book "The Sloop of War 1650 - 1763', attributed to a Mr. John Garnish.

    Is it possible to see a copy of the picture, or others you may have, to determine whether or not the Nonsuch depicted in your book is the same model? 

    Do you have any information on John Garnish?

    Thank you verymuch for helping me out,


    Bruce LeCren



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