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Ian McLaughlan

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About Ian McLaughlan

  • Birthday 09/08/1940

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    Salisbury, England
  • Interests
    I am the author of 'The Sloop of War 1650 - 1763 published by Seaforth UK and a model maker at the scale of 1:144. My current theme for model making is The American Schooner however my plan for the future is to move to a scale of 1:96 and concentrate on modelling some of the sloops of war mentioned in my book, the first of which will, un-usually, be a card model of H.M.Sloop Wolf of 1754. Apart form this, which is a kit model, my models are all scratch built. There is also the possibility of taking the work on 'The Sloop of War' forward to 1815 but for this I need support from the USA and France. I am still searching!

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  1. I am a new member and based in UK. My main interest is in the Sloop of War about which I have had a book published (Seaforth Publishing 2014). I am also interested in and make models of these small warships. I am an amateur marine artist and cover sloops within this subject. The book, "The Sloop of War 1650 - 1763" was reviewed favourably by NRG in 2014. it is my intention to write a follow on volume, which will deal with the period covering the American war of Independence, the wars against France, the War of 1812 and the ending of the Slave Trade and unlike the first volume which dealt with the development of British and French sloops of war, it will cover the vast contribution made to the design of these ships by the United States.

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